fatheadedbastard profile picture


dream it, you fucking dreamers.

About Me

BASTARD: 1. Slang. a. a vicious, despicable, or thoroughly disliked person: Some bastard slashed the tires on my car. b. a person, esp. a man: The poor bastard broke his leg. 2. something irregular, inferior, spurious, or unusual. 3. bastard culverin. –adjective 4. illegitimate in birth. 5. spurious; not genuine; false: The architecture was bastard Gothic. 6. of abnormal or irregular shape or size; of unusual make or proportions: bastard quartz; bastard mahogany. 7. having the appearance of; resembling in some degree: a bastard Michelangelo; bastard emeralds. 8. Printing. (of a character) not of the font in which it is used or found. ...i like music. i have a radio show on www.kruufm.com or 100.1 FM in Fairf.. i play some instruments.. i sing monster rock ballads.. i like to play in sand.. i have built things.. things you might not understand..

My Interests

spotted creature. Newcastle. whiskey. everything music. laughter. 80's flicks. cooking. making awful noise as my "music". male pattern baldness. dive bars. record hunting. record finding. record playing. crappy tattoos. Mixology.

I'd like to meet:



look for shark vs. octopus.. that's the radio show we do.. wednesday nights 10-midnight (central) www.kruufm.com


Better of dead, lost in translation, paper moon, point break, Serial mom, pecker, any john waters really..


Bob Ross, Carnivale, Nip Tuck.


Breakfast of Champions, Paris Spleen, Red Meat comics.


people who can make a living with their hobbies.