Senior Special
Portrait Package
Here is what ya get!
75.00 Sitting fee includes 2 clothes change
Unlimited amount of photos taken
104 Wallets (12 poses of your choice
with name and year by request)
1 Leather Folio with Photos
$200.00 worth of photo credit
($500.00 value)
Buddy Package - double of above for $500.00
GearboxNikon D100 Digital Camera
Nikon D70 Digital Camera
Nikon SB80 Flash
Nikon SB800 Flash
Digital LightsphereII
Nikon 24-120mm 1:3.5-5.6 D Lens
Nikon 70-300mm Lens F4 - 5.6 G
Manfrotto Monopod
Manfrotto Tripod
Stroboframe Flash Flip
256mb/512mb Compact Flash Cards
Compaq Laptop ComputerReesa's Digital DarkroomAdobe Photoshop
Jasc Paintshop
YSI Digital Layout
Some of my nature photography and some favorites!
Jesus, my family and my father who past away in August 1996.