I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking
About Me
At this exact moment in time we are a group of high school students who wanted to put out alternative reading material for our peers.we are:
Johnny Angel
Lex Luciusbut our ranks of kids with lots of free time and dorky psuedonyms are growing every day! if you like what you read and like the concept of it all send me a messege asking to be in the next issue. then tell me what you're writing on and once that's approved you can write your article and have it distributed on a large scale at Los Alamos High School and Sante Fe High School.let's get to work! let's take action! your revolutionary reading-material is here!-Johnny Angel
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
as a friend of mine once said "Anyone of their own device"...... any revolutionary... any determined person...... people who feel trapped.... people who are merciful about quality of presentation.......
My Blog
We Suck! Issue 2 Part 2
(sorry i had to break it up into two parts..... blog wouldn't let me post all of the text for some reason)
Diluted Logic: A conversation
A[2:37 AM]: yarrA[2:38 AM]: have you... Posted by on Sat, 22 Jul 2006 15:58:00 GMT
We Suck! Issue 2 The Kestral Issue
First things first, and thats an apology. I am Sorry. You deserve this if you are a writer or a reader who cares because I let you dow... Posted by on Sat, 22 Jul 2006 07:54:00 GMT
Issue .1, The Johnny Angel Issue
Welcome Home?
I think everyone is looking for community. In some aspect any sociable person seeks acceptance of some sort. A good friend of mine taught me that and its been proved true time and... Posted by on Fri, 28 Apr 2006 23:42:00 GMT