Member Since: 24/04/2006
Band Members: Naps es el lobo solitario********
Influences: desde un principio Naps se ha visto influenciado por la msica espaola ya que es la que mas a fondo a conocido, harto mas que nada de habitar y convivir con forofos del Pop ochentero y el Rock, el lobo busco asilo entre cintas de hip hop, para encontrar inspiracion. Grupos muy importantes para el han sido CPV, DobleV, Geronacion, y Frnak T. esos fueron sus mayores influecias por combinar los melodiosas que eran sus bases con lo mordiente de sus letras. Una influecia personal ha sido para l el Msewy, Mc de Hardcorecon, (alkorkn), al que admirara siempre por su facilidad de palabra y sus textos, y mas que nada por darle al hip hop el empujn que necesitaba.ahora El lobo escucha todo tip de musica sin dejar de lado el hip hop. Su vision se abra al Rock, al Metal, al Heavy, y a todo lo que de fondo lleve una base es musica, no puede ser malo.*******************************************************
************From a beginning Naps one has seen influenced by the Spanish music since it is the one that thoroughly has known, I satiate more than anything of living(inhabiting) and coexisting with freaks of the Pop ochentero and the Rock, the wolf I look for asylum between tapes of hip hop, to find inspiration.Very important groups for have been CPV, DobleV, Geronacion, and Frnak T. this was his major influences for combining them melodious that were his bases with the mordant of his letters. A personal influence has been for the Msewy, Mc de Hardcorecon, (alkorkn), which it was admiring always for his fluency of speech and his texts, and mas that nothing for giving to the hip hop the push that he needed.
Now The wolf listens to all kinds of music without leaving of side the hip hop. His vision is opened for the Rock, for the Metal, for the Heavy, and everything what of bottom takes a melodic base.If ir is musical, it cannot be bad
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Type of Label: Major