Kursun Asker are a 4 piece rock band from Turkey/Ankara. K.A. was formed by lazy university students in 2001. The band members really like Anderson's fairy tales.The favourite one is "The Brave Tin Soldier" and they decided "KURSUN ASKER"(K.A is turkish translation of the fairy tale) to name the band. The first demo was completed in summer of 2004 (Agzimda pis bir tat)
Songs are about alienation and identity crisis of the
individuals,pessimism,sadness,sometimes hope and faith,disappointment,ambition to belong to somewhere,fear and hopeless love for a never totally remembered and talked father (just her imagination-HAYAL) and about to achieve individuals themselves. KURSUN Asker wants to know your comment and support.
...............................................Kursun Asker'in temelleri 2001 yilina dayaniyor. Sevilen gruplarin coverlari ile baslayan muzik yolculugu kendisini bir sure sonra tatminsizlige terk etti ve dolayisiyla grubun kendi bestelerinin olusumuna dogru bir surec baslamis oldu . Demo kayitlarini yetersiz gordugumuzden simdilik sadece int. ortaminda paylasiyoruz calismalarimizi. Kayitlari forum ortamlarinda Atalay olarak bilinen Bugra'nin yerinde Ant muzikte yapmistik. Grup hala beste calismalarina devam ediyor.Ayrintili bilgi vesaire icin;