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Pure Passion

About Me

~~~I am a women who is Passionate enough to say what I Believe even if the Cost is high because it's you Darlin'.. and that's so hard for me. No greater Love has anyone than this but they lay down their own precious lives for their unique Friends. It is Better a Wound' from a Friend* than a ~ Sensuous Kiss ~ from the "Enemy" ! I will speak whatsoever the Lord would have me say with No Thought of the Outcome. It's just in me. It's not popular or well taken often times to hear the words that are spoken and they are sharper than a two edged sword that cuts deep through the layers of who we are...the Wounded Heart. I have no Regrets about Saying certain things, though I suffer painful loss at every thought of you. My motives are that which would bring out Truth, and this Truth would set the captives free. It's strange to witness some prefer lust rather than pure passion, and darkness rather than light, and lies that keep hidden things that hinder their own prosperity, whether in spirit, emotions, body, or whatever things pertaining to life and godliness. I am Certainly Very Far from Good myself, but Wisdom* does Cry out to receive instruction from the Lord in humility, or be Broken because of Pride'. I will Bow my knees and say," Lord have Mercy*~ on a Sinner' like me." I am always desiring to walk in love, forgive everyone all things, and I am free, walk with me , walk with me.... >Pure Passion is the sweetest sanctified love that burns deep within ones soul with brazen holiness, with consuming consecration, desperately devoted to ONE soul-mate in unfailing faithfulness and divine purpose . The impenetrable walls of brokenness, rejection, fear and past pain melts like wax at its appearing. There is tangible peace and sacred harmony that makes it's entrance by selfless desire that shines like the glorious stars above contrasting the darkest night as the " love " the world has to offer. This powerful presence was once foreboding, but now accents this genuine love that is found in our God alone and those who abide in Him. This Pure Passion has been the hidden treasure for thousands of years , and revealed to those who are searching for Truth and Undefiled Love. This Pure Love has not graced the lives of the vast sea of humanity because they were not crying out for the One who's hand has created all things who's name is LOVE ! Pure Passion lives to die for the One who is the embodiment of the greatest love that compares to no other. It arrives like a knight in shining armor, wields it's mighty sword to rescue, protect and pursue the one it's heart longs after. It captivates and consummates in complete fidelity in marriage resting in divinity for its perfection. It grows like a wild fire driven by a vehement wind that has no boundaries but is eternal. This ardent love destroys every hurtful word spoken that has logged itself in the secret places of the fragile soul. It heals like the Balm of Gilead which is adorned with heart shaped leaves because of the grace of the Lord who has poured out from Himself His own life that we might live with such tender love. He calls out to us to know HIM, and to be fully persuaded He will never leave us or forsake us as our carnal lovers always have done. Their motive was to steal our hearts to satisfy their own, and there in lies the keys to our private domains which were never meant for them, as they were only the facade of Pure Passion. They are base and full of sensual lust that was designed in the mind of the Predator, his name is Satan, who defiles, destroys and devastates the vulnerable women and the wounded man. They whisper words of flattery with hidden intentions with no Conviction, to rob your purity and leave you in spiritual. emotional and physical poverty which leads to despair, depression , and ultimately a broken hearted soul. . They promise to keep your heart near theirs, and they do. The reality is their hearts are wicked and full of deceit and are consecrated to the one who dwells in darkness who schemes to draw you out of the light whether they understand their own reasoning and its source or not. Something enticing captivates you as you wander in the wilderness you were never meant to travel through alone, but rather in the company of the Holy Spirit , yes that's what I said !. By circumstance and rebellion we travel the road called " Fantasy " and we are blinded by loneliness, the sensual lust of our eyes, the sexual lust of our flesh, and the sublime pride of life to see if these sensual pleasures will endure til the end, and they will. There is a way that seems right unto a man but the end there in is destruction every time. There are no favorites in the pit of Hell ! Even though you think you are so famous, and for a vapor of time to other lost and broken souls you just so rock baby ! In the light of eternity where you are destined to abide you will be conscious. Now if you don't repent, meaning turn around, do a 180 from your ways which are sin, to His ways of righteousness, you will be just one of millions , screaming out from the depths of your soul, in intense torment continually, burning in the lake of fire with all the evil doers, murderers, theives, liers, whoremongers, witches, idolitors, and the like, demons and the great deceiver himself Satan . No one cares about you there, no bro's and ho's to party with ! Your so full of yourselves and each other, then in your blinded stupor you laugh, and believe this life as you perceive it, will just keep going until one day, when its to late ....You will be confronted by misery that leads to DEATH, THE GRAVE, WEEPING AND GNASHING OF TEETH and then , oh God its to late ! Is dark , terrifying , the stench of death permeates the sulfur as it chokes you as you gasp for breath and find none, there is no exit, no applause for you, nothing cold to drink, no accolades for your accomplishments that stand above the rest as if you were really any kind of hero at all. No you never were. You are full of every kind of lust that has it's great rewards while you have "a rock hard body" to heap them upon. What does it profit you my friend , to gain the whole world and loose YOUR own soul in Hell??. Oh you laugh with your entourage of like minded thinkers and mock God saying, " there is no God whom I am accountable to." ! Oh yes there is , stop being a prideful fool! Wake up and understand every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. If you do it now, repent , you will be saved from the wrath of God to come that judges in truth and righteousness punishing sin where it is found with no respecter of persons. Deciding not to choose you will be choosing the lake of fire, that burns forever! I tell you the truth, you will writhe in complete agony begging to die!!! But now you are a legend, and ledgends do live forever in outer darkness, aware of the truth you forsook the grace and love of Jesus and now and forevermore you shall understand you followed the Devil all the way home! He even told you who he is ! Truly we are all targets of the Satan, and your cooperation is greatly appreciated, you make it so easy to make Hell so populated with the most beautiful, the most rich, and the most gifted souls. Now with foresight imagine you are trading this short life, with maybe enough time to gain it all, then loose it all to someone else better than you. This temporal life you hold on to that peaks with ecstasy and declines to utter despondency sometimes all in a day baby. This life of yours with all its wounds and fleeting pleasure here today, gone tomorrow. Now imagin, view hindsight, and see if your sensual consumption is worth utter destruction of the life you so love to live. Its all about YOU Darlin...for eternity, somewhere, Pure Passion is living in Christ, Pure Lust Is Heading for Pure Hell ! Choose you this day who you will serve, your going to serve somebody for ever and ever!.
creed-With Arms Wide Open

It's really all about Jesus



My Interests

I'd like to meet:

~" If You really wanna know I want to Meet my "Knight in Shining Armor". He will be a man who is Intoxicated with Passion that Burns Deep Down in his Soul to Captivate his One Love, me". This Man will be Worshiping his Lord in Spirit and in Truth. He will be consumed with this Vehement Fire and Heaven sent Vision that permeates his Soul continually until the day of it's Manifestation."! I would like to meet People who are on fire for the Lord and those who want to be free from the power of darkness that keeps them in hurtful bondage. There are so many wonderful people who are bound in so many ways to the point they are paralyzed with fear, consumed with the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life. They are captive and have become a slave to various addictions, which ultimately destroy their lives, bodies, their souls and render them powerless to the stronghold of chains which were at one time such sensual pleasure. These things now bring despair and hopelessness which are totally consuming feelings. Some believe their lives are so trashed and their hearts are so broken, their emotions live on the ragged edge of sanity and totally void of real peace. They are crying on the inside pursuing relief in many forms to dull their pain and deep thoughts which give place to stress, dread, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, intense fear, grief, visions of failure and rejection and the shame they bring, suicidal tendencies, and the deep misery hidden under the facade of arrogance and pride. They themselves are deceived and the fool others as well as they pretend its normal to be taking meds and drinking to save them from totally loosing their minds to utter resolve there is no real help in this world." Let he who has an ear to hear the Spirit of the Lord, Come to Him all who are weary and heavily burdened and He will give you rest. You will know the Truth and the truth will set you Free."
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My Blog

Lust and Hate

Our eyes met from across the crowded room. Instantly there was an sensual attraction we could feel as our emotions exuded this powerful  unspoken desire. He was tall, dark and handsome and he himself ...
Posted by on Fri, 03 Jul 2009 23:21:00 GMT

This Heart Revealed

He whispered my name softly  from a near distance. Now in the silence of the warm spring nights, even with all kinds of innermost distractions , brokenness and a certain sensual expectancy  I heard Hi...
Posted by on Thu, 21 May 2009 02:04:00 GMT

This Constant Craving

It's the dawning of a brand new day now but I feel so vacant in my soul. The sun breaks through the dark clouds that yet remain from yesterday . The brightness of this radiant morning has not touched ...
Posted by on Tue, 07 Apr 2009 21:51:00 GMT

YOU ! ~

My wandering thoughts of you consume me in the morning joyfully, then by nightfall resound again with even more desire than the day before . I want true intimacy that makes me feel so safe, tenderly...
Posted by on Wed, 07 Jan 2009 03:30:00 GMT

Walking Away....

It's another enigmatic day , far from the beauty of intimacy we have usually shared. The sound of your voice struck cords of comfort and passion that harmonized deeper understanding of one another. We...
Posted by on Mon, 15 Dec 2008 05:30:00 GMT

Pure Passion or Pure Lust ?

What Is Pure Passion ? Pure Passion is the sweetest sanctified love that burns deep within ones soul with brazen holiness, with consuming consecration, desperately devoted to ONE soul-mate in unfailin...
Posted by on Wed, 29 Oct 2008 03:29:00 GMT

I Dream

I dream of the day that the seed of the promise God gave me will be fulfilled ! It's like how do you know that you know it was the Lord who spoke and therefore if it be Him then we can trust in cling ...
Posted by on Sat, 25 Oct 2008 07:47:00 GMT

Wounded Warriors Arise

WWounded Warriors Arise, Be strong Beloved of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords ! Speak to this mountain, " be thou removed and cast into the sea ", it will obey you. Greater is He who is in you, ...
Posted by on Thu, 23 Oct 2008 04:19:00 GMT

Held Captive Or Freed By Love ?

The Kingdom of God is at hand , deep down inside of you a mortal soul. For you were born for such a time as this , to proclaim the way of the Lord and reclaim the souls who parish without believing th...
Posted by on Sun, 06 Jul 2008 08:21:00 GMT

Chasing The Wind Like You

You came into my life like a hurricane in full force, catching me off guard, and sweeping me off my feet. Your sultry voice embraced me and I held onto it even after we hung up the phone time after t...
Posted by on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 01:57:00 GMT