thats my new car. 2007 WRX. isnt she pretty?
one of the most beautiful places in the world~the yuba river right outside of little washington calif. this was the 1st of june this year when the water was high and strong.
live and learn from the experiences that make u who u are today. i just hope there are no hard feelings...just know when to move on...
people who will respect me and accept me for who i am, not who i was...and kiera knightleythis is kiwi. this is how kiwi achieved his dream. or in the words of someone very dear to me;"theres times in life when somebody wants something so bad, they go after it no matter what the cost." just watch the video and u'll understand
almost all music has made a strong impact in my life. as long as the music has meaning and is not about stupid shit like fucking hoes and bling bling and other useless shit like that, i like it. i really like songs that talk about the experiences that ppl have gone through and the lessons that they have learned.special thanks to the following for their great music with great meaning: Dave Grohl, Alanis Morissette, Brandon Boyd, and Dave Matthews.~~~~~
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the simpsons and family guy.oh and here's some good watchin for ya! eldts_Balloon
not too much of a reader but i'm really into mens health
Prayer For Mercy And SalvationForgive us O' Lord and remember the weak, for we lack and are in need, Cause our hearts to do good by thy mercy!Live in our hearts so that we do not fall, That we keep your commandment, That we love one another as you love us.That we may have the salvation of everlasting life in your kingdom!In the name of Jesus the Christ our Lord and saviour we pray Father that you hear our cry! Lord and Savior: Jesus Christ!...and the ninja turtles!Take the quiz:
Which X-Men Character are you most like?
You are a powerhouse of strength and energy. Your inner desires can sometimes overwhelm you, and self-control can sometimes be non-existent. Learn to take control of yourself and you will take control of your situation