i ALready MeT&&Found Mi MR.RiGHT** Since you came inside my LiFe You’ve givin me the best in you Everyday and Night.. I felt my happiness in you..BaBY i L♥VE You&&Everything About you&&i don’t Stop L♥ving YOU And I won’t Stop Kissing YOU.. You’re the Reason why I SmiLe..You know just what to say to Make mi Day.Your the One Person That i Hate to go a Day without TaLking too&&More importantLy BABY You are the One Guy that i Think about throughout the Day mi Heart is Where Your L♥ve Lies... ..&&Your the Best Thing that Ever Happened to mee. Our chemistry Between one Another Grows as Each day goes by...its A Stone Hearted feeLing .....See Our L♥VE is Stronger THAN Any Drug God knew you were Best For Mee The Minute You Laid eye's on mee..Baybee You Mean More Than you May think to mee&&i Promise i Do Have the Biggest ♥ to L♥ve you With.&&I Don't Care What The World May Say It's U And Me Against All Odds....I'm a L♥ver Not a Fighter but I wiLL Fight For What i L♥ve...&&L♥VE is when i wiLL miss yoou even BeFore we Part...i CouLd Listen to yoou taLk aLL Night and Never Get Tired of Hearing Your Voice...The Sound at Your Name Sends Chills Down mi Spine&&i See Your SmiLe the Second i CLose mi Eye's,.I know who I am, what I want&&with YOU BABE is where im going to Be.This is as sure of myself I've ever Really Been.i'm Ready to Continue this Journey...&&Be put in Every situation...Knowing we'LL get through the stormy weather&&be able to say were stiLL Here Together As One.That's an achievement in itself.I've Learned Not to BeLieve Everything I hear, so Much is Lie's and Games.When people believe those Lie's, it's a Real Shame.Whether you've known someone for years, a month.It's Nothing to do with Time..The OnLy thing that Matters is that SpeciaL Person that you aLways dreamed Of Having&&Once you Have THem You HoLd On&&Never Let GO FAKE iits the Latest Trend;;-{{and everyone seems to be in styLe}}-mi true Friends are the ones i can count on one hand&& i know Everything will work out for me the way I've planned.But Most of aLL,i Thank GOD for Everything he has done in mi Life,with Him anything is PossibLe....He is the Reason i am still here in this krazie Mixed up World.Without Him WHERE WOuLD i BE I couldn't be the person I am Today!!!WiTHOUT HiS GUiDESS(¯..•¸·..¯Mee+YOU=A FOREVER L♥VE!!!!!! !!!(¯..•¸·..¯)