Rick profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I live with my beautiful girlfriend Christina and her daughter Jayden who is for all intents and purposes my daughter now too, just haven't made it official yet :) Christina is pregnant with my first child and I am very excited. I've always wanted a person like Christina in my life and I've always wanted kids so I guess you could say that my dreams all came true. I enjoy spending time with my family, watching bullshit, the office and the sopranos with my girlfriend, reading, and playing video games (dragan quest IV, V, VI and IX for the DS...awesome) anyways, life is good :D
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Okay, either you come from the western half of the state or from the Boston area. Still, it's not bad, so I'll give you the thumbs up. Cool!
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My neice Kierra

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Open-minded people, people who arent affraid to admit when they're wrong, people who don't blame everyone but themselves for the shit that's gone wrong with their lives, people who aren't cattle and who can't be herded by what's "popular," people without alterior motives, people who aren't afraid to stand up and say "there's something wrong with this" even though they may be ridiculed by all who follow conformity. The list goes on, but you get the idea. People throughout history can't seem to grasp the idea that the world doesn't revolve around them. They can't seem to see that if your not part of the solution your part of the problem. There just isn't enouph uniqueness. Most people don't know how to be themselves or are simply affraid to. Most people don't know how to sacrifice to do what's right. It bothers me in ways that most people can't imagine. You may be saying, "that's bullshit, I am myself!" Well... are you? really? Do you not do certain things because of what your friends will think. Do you not dress a certain way for the same reasons? Do you see someone behave in a certain way and think to yourself "wow, I wish I could be like that"? Do you not get jealous? I would love nothing more than a world were people are truly accepted for whatever they may think or however they my be. Were uniqueness is embraced not either coppied or chastized. Why is it so difficult for people to think for themselves? Most blame others for their mistakes... I can think of many examples but each of those examples will be taken as a personal attack on some individual. So what I have to say on the subject is this, no matter what you may think, no matter what you've been through, no matter how horrible your life may be, there is always a choice. I'll admit some people are in situations they can't help, abused children, kidnap victims, murder victims, essentially people who are victims of crime. but the rest of us who hate ourselves and hate our lives and hate our situations and hate those around us have only to blame themselves. at some point in your life you made a choice, and that choice, every choice, has consequences. The only way to remedy the situation that that particular choice has made for you is to make another choice...accept the responsibility of that choice as your own and do something about it, or blame everything and everyone but yourself for the missery that you, in some way or another, caused and continue to spiral helplessly into hopelessness. I have no hope for most of the people in this world. I can only hope that I will someday meet some people who share my views on the backwardness of society. People who, like myself, don't let themselve be anything but what they truly want to be.

My Blog

Rules of a pregnancy (stolen, not original)

I post this on behalf of my beautiful and pregnant girlfriend, Christina.Dear Non-Pregnant Person, I hope you find these guidelines helpful in your interactions with pregnant women as failing to follo...
Posted by on Mon, 13 Apr 2009 11:27:00 GMT

Rick's incomplete list of things and people that irritate me...

So I've decided to create a list of things (mostly nouns) that irritate me. I watched part of the grammy's... Do people really like that crap that won awards? Really? Jonas Brother's? c'mon now. Anywa...
Posted by on Fri, 13 Feb 2009 03:57:00 GMT

Cubicles (my favorite song by MCR)

It's the tearing sound of love-notesDrowning out the gray stained windowsAnd the view outside is sterileAnd I'm only two cubes downI'll photocopy all the things that we could beIf you took t...
Posted by on Fri, 03 Oct 2008 19:51:00 GMT

not anymore

So I am no longer searching because I've found what I've been looking for... her name is Christina. I had given up hope and pretty much accepted that what I wanted was just a fantasy. I thou...
Posted by on Mon, 25 Aug 2008 20:45:00 GMT

Moving on

So, Im getting very sick of being love-sick so, I'm done with it. I've accepted the fact that the closure and honesty I am looking for, I am not going to get. So I need to just accept it and...
Posted by on Fri, 28 Dec 2007 08:53:00 GMT

No internet soon

In one more week I will not have the internet for a long ass time.
Posted by on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 17:15:00 GMT

Sogrens Kammer Del II

[Sorgens Kammer - Del II (released on "Stormblåst"'s re-release (2005)]Minnenes ekko stiller timenKneblet i tungsinnets lenker faller jeg ifraIkke lenger vil jeg være boltet fast i vemodighetens anker...
Posted by on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 18:38:00 GMT

Burn With Jesus

..> Burn With Jesus Behind the walls of Christthe hypocrites recite songs to glorifytheir king who's died in vainthey betray the holy sonExtinguishing his lightTheir greed and their desireHave torn...
Posted by on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 19:59:00 GMT

fuck you, car

Fuckin' asshole car. Motherfucker couldn't just make it home, now it's parked on the side of the goddamn highway, motherfucker
Posted by on Thu, 02 Nov 2006 19:00:00 GMT

CD's I want

1. Death - Leprosy 2. Dimmu Borgir - Death Cult Armageddon 3. Summon - Dark Decent of Fallen Souls 4. Napalm Death - From Enslavement to Obliteration 5. Necrophagia - Divine art of Torture 6. Six ...
Posted by on Sat, 15 Jul 2006 07:36:00 GMT