art nouveau, cat naps, good conversationalists, good writers, good thinkers, marine life, aquariums, blunt honesty, sharpening my pencils, looking at people who do not know i am looking at them, sunday morning sleep in, snogging, NPR, Harry Potter, human anatomy, touching and feeling.
I want to meet someone who doesn't know about the internet. Who doesn't use it.
They cannot be 87 though, I already met her.
People who want to save the world.
Frank Sinatra, Jonathan Richman.
Anything Involving the Muppets, Wes Anderson, Christopher Guest, Woody Allen, Charlie Kaufman.
the Price is Right.
Myth Busters
David Sedrais, JK Rowling, Chuck Palahniuk, Kurt Vonnegut, Williams Carlos Williams, Carolyn Kizer, Charles Bukowski, Walt Whitman, Books with pictures, Darkly Dreaming Dexter
Mom and Dad, Ray Johnson