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Music Video Code provided by Video Code Zone
get code @ MyHotCommentsAlways up or down, Never down and out
Now's the right time for a good song
Got something to say what I can't
Do you feel bad, like I feel bad?
We'll pour us a road, we'll both drink and drive
Im a stranger with your door key, explaining that im just visiting
The only thing worse for you, than you, is me
Tie me here in time
I think I'm doing alright
And kind of getting by
Christams Time
Fun times in the SCC
Krystals B day, and she isnt even in the pic
Kelsey and Schwindt Two of my coolest E town buds. Yes I stole this pic from kels
Me and the roomie Taking a break from getting people to vote for class press
Comp Lab fun
Ready to celebrate a B day
My pants get around...The 4th guy who tried them on and the second guy who these pants have actualy fit.... They are size zeros
Me N Brits super cool room
3 am sheetz run
If you listen to bob dylan youl apreciate this
Bright eyes, Deseparacidos, Jack Johnson, John butler trio, Some Bob dylan, From autumn to ashes, The used, My chemical romance, Fly leaf, Eve 6, Hello goodbye, Incubus, Thursday, Mogwai, Sigur Rose, Deathcab for cutie, Sublime, Nirvana, Papa roach, Dashboard Confesionals, Plain white Tees, tatu, Three days grace, Jimmy eat
Garden state, Donnie Darko, Rent, American psycho, Requiem for a dream, Fight club, Princess bride, Memento, Die hard, Hero, Girl interupted, Jurassic park, But im a cheeleader, The fountain, Lost boys, Girl with the pearl earing, Office space, 28 days later, Red eye, Mean girls, shawshank redemption, spaceballs, Hard candy,Knocked up, Pulp fiction, Lucky number slevin.
House, Scrubs, Greys anatomy. All about the hospital shows but not a fan of ER.
I used to read alot, not so much anymore :/
Its not a good idea to idolize some one to the point of hero, unless they save lives or something :).