Paris BaCall profile picture

Paris BaCall

The Oh La La of the Valley

About Me

My Interests

Golden Girls, sewing, eating, the golden girls, cheesecake, gardening, baking, the golden girls, my husband, THE GOLDEN GIRLS!!!!!!!!!!

I'd like to meet:

Betty White A.K.A. Rose Lyland ( my favorite Golden Girl).. I live for her!!!!!!!!! SHE RULES MY WORLD AND IF YOU DON"T AGREE BLOW IT OUT YOUR "fuluogen nugen"


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Anything with Harry potter, willow, and the lord of the rings.. width="425" height="350" ..


The Golden Girls, REBA, Will and Grace, X files, Designing Women, American Idol, The Nanny.. width="425" height="350" ..


The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe


Reba, Dolly,Cher, Martha Wash, and my mama Latoya Bacall