Golden Girls, sewing, eating, the golden girls, cheesecake, gardening, baking, the golden girls, my husband, THE GOLDEN GIRLS!!!!!!!!!!
Betty White A.K.A. Rose Lyland ( my favorite Golden Girl).. I live for her!!!!!!!!! SHE RULES MY WORLD AND IF YOU DON"T AGREE BLOW IT OUT YOUR "fuluogen nugen"
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Anything with Harry potter, willow, and the lord of the rings.. width="425" height="350" ..
The Golden Girls, REBA, Will and Grace, X files, Designing Women, American Idol, The Nanny.. width="425" height="350" ..
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Reba, Dolly,Cher, Martha Wash, and my mama Latoya Bacall