UPDATE:To all our fans and supporters...We (EMAGE) want to apologize for not updating our page in a while...if u didn’t know TISH has decided to discontinue her spot in Emage to become a beautiful mother. So unfortunately, EMAGE has officially disbanded ;-( But don’t worry...TOI has continued to pursue music and is currently in the studio recording and finalizing her debut album. You can visit her artist page @ Myspace.com/TOYSOULMUSIQ And u can visit Tish @ Myspace.com/BROWNSATINN. Although the group as u know it had broken up...please feel free to support our endeavors separately! The pics and some music will still be up to check out and we will love YOUR INPUT AND SUPPORT! We appreciate everyone opening up their hearts and ears to us and we will never forget that! Thank u so much for everything!Much Love ♥ EMAGE 2008Plain MySpace Layouts by Iron Spider