We are sexy. A man for every woman and a couple men for some guys.
First off to be a sexy boy you must have at least two of the following prerequisites.
1. Absoulte Sexy - This is just basically being a great looking guy from head to toe. Physical features only.
2. Master of Style - You have your own unique style that makes the ladies (or men) go "GODDAMN THATS A SEXY BOY!"
3. Funny Boy - Being a funny boy means you have a sense of humor. It doesnt matter what kind of sense of humor just that It makes most people laugh.
4. Smile - A sexy smile can make up for most any physical weakness.
5. Dancing Machine - This boy can dance, and when you see him doing it it makes you think you can too.
6. Confidence - You are confident but not too much as to be over confident. Your stride and posture show you wont take shit from anyone and you know youre a sexy boy.
7. Master of the Game - This boy can talk like no other. Women get confused with the words but definatly want to learn more about this man.
8. Heart - This man will never let his friends down. ever.
9. Cultured - This category of sexy shows off intelligence by knowing abstract things about people, places and things. Usually thought sexy by very artsy people.
10. Gentleman - This one is easy. Being a gentleman. Knowing what to say and when to say it. Pulling out chairs. Opening doors. You know the routine, very few of us follow it.
11. Eyes - You have very sexy eyes.
Their will be more categories in the future. These are just the ones off the top of my head. Remember to be sexy always and forever. Secondly I have to say. You can only become a member if another member vouches for you. When this happens the member that vouched for you basically puts himself on the line to get you in. Dont fuck anything up and you will be in. Fuck something up and they will get disciplined and you will never be allowed in. Third comes the initiation. This is different for everyone usually exploits your weakest sexy trait. It helps us to see if you other sexy traits can cover for the lacking one. Sometimes its just something that will make us laugh though. After that you receive a bandana with pink and black zebra strips to signify you are now a member. Pass it on to vouch for someone. When you receive a bandana you must have it in your pocket whenever another crew member is around. If they see you outside of work outside of home with out it displaying you may be repremanded. Any questions? Send us a message.Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds