Casper, Spooks & Zero present...BlindKid Productions & all authorized events that take place within the company...
BlindKid Running
BlindKid Bottle-Throwing
Blind Idiot
BlindKid Peg-Racing
BlindKid Acrobatics
BlindKid Get's Taped Up
BlindKid's Go Scootering
BlindKid Goes Emo
BlindKid's and THE STICK!
&'s & pictures to follow shortly...
[UPDATE!] Pictures are up, check em out, video's to be linked up this space!
[UPDATE! 16/05/06] New executive producer to the mind bogglings of BKP!
[UPDATE! 14/04/09] Videos can now be found on YouTube...Just search for BlindKid Productions there and the videos are posted by BrensBitch
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