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Thomas's Myspace Editor
Myspace Stalker TrackerI am 32 years old, live in Huntington Beach with my 5 year old daughter Delaney and my husband Phil. We have a bulldog named Spanky who I LOVE TO DEATH and a chocolate lab puppy named Maggie . I enjoy playing poker, Las Vegas, hanging out with friends, shopping, shopping, shopping, oh yeah and river rafting. I am a stay at home mom catering to my daughters every order or need (YEAH RIGHT). My life is great but considered loud. Two dogs, a 5 year old and a husband who loves guitar hero, what more can I ask for. Life is good :0)
Speaking of my husband he is screaming for me to come watch TV with him so I will add more later. (For those that know him, this is quite normal ) hehhehe
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.. ww.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vd3d3LnJvY2t5b3UuY29tLz90eXBlPXNs
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