About Me
††††††††††††††††††††Born June 24, 1977, this Dallas, Tx. native is destined to change the face of Rap as we know it. "I wrote my first rhyme back in the fourth grade", he laughs, "It was only four lines though". From that point on, he says, he was "hooked". I began to understand more about him as he explained the reason behind his deep connection to the genre. "I was an outcast in school. Though everybody knew me, I wasn't with the 'in crowd' or 'click'. I tried my best to fit in, but I was always different. That's why I related to rap music so much", he explains. "You see, back then, Rap was rebellious, edgy: unique...ya know? It didn't sound or feel like any other genre of music I'd ever heard before. So I connected instantly, because when I listened to it or wrote it, those feelings of lonliness and rejection went away."
However, he's not just a skilled lyricist. When you listen to the music, you'll find he's also a musician. "I play the piano and drums by ear," he says with all humility. "I would hear a theme song to a T.V. show and run to the piano and play what I heard all of the time. I was about four years old when it started happening." He has a raw talent for music and writing. His style is unique from any rap you've heard heretofore. When asked about the origin of his creativity, I was surprised(yet enlightened) by his reply. "Honestly, my creativity comes from God", he says with boldness. "It's impossible for me to take the credit for music God gives me in dreams while I'm asleep" he says. "It all comes from God: the great orchestrator. I hear music in dreams, all during the day: I hear it in my head right now. It's just a God-Given Gift."
Though Some will (no doubt) label him a Gospel Rapper, he says he's far from it. "I'm not a Gospel Rapper," he smiles briefly, then explains, "...but I'm not a Gangster Rapper either. I can't even Label what God's doing through me. I'm just chosen."
He's right. When you listen to this music, complemented by his unique voice, and compare it to the predictable, boring, and meaningless Rap you hear all over the radio stations, you'll get a refreshing feeling. It restores lost love for the Rap Genre, which undoubtedly seems to be going down hill. However, there are so many feelings to describe his style: Spiritual, uplifting, thought- provoking, motivating; Real. He doesn't hide behind his music. In fact, the one thing that separates him from Gospel Rap is his ability to be transparent through his lyrics. "You'll learn a lot about me if you pay attention to my lyrics, because that's the way I open up to you. I talk about my struggles, weaknesses, fears, frustrations: I tell it all. I've never felt like I could completely open up to anyone. Especially now, since I'm a christian" he says. "That's why I'm so transparent when I write. Music has always been my best friend. It has always acceped me and allowed to be real without fear of rejection. It taught me being different is a good thing: how to celebrate my uniqueness." he says. "I see God's Love for me through the gifts he's given me."
When asked if he was the next big thing since 2 Pac, he gave a sincere, honest, and humble reply. "I 'm not trying to take over the rap game. I'm not trying to sound, act, or rap like any who've come before me. God wants to do a new thing in me. This is his project, his purpose, and his message to his people. I've been chosen as his instrument. Whatever his plan is, whatever he wants to do through me, that's fine with me" he explains. "I have a deep Respect and Admiration for those who've paved the way. I look at it like this: Rap is a Blank Canvas on which every artist paints his or her own picture" he says. "I've been chosen by God to paint a different picture; to reveal a different side of rap and touch the lives of his people through my own confession. That's what the album is all about" he says, "My walk with Jesus: The journel of my journey-step by step."Profile modified by: The CricketSoda Myspace Profile Editor