our official motto: you didn't help much with that whole lot of nothing...
i am a wannabe graphic designer extraordinaire. currently kicking myself for putting of my dreams of striking off for the East and design signs in that direction. i swear, if i'm ever out there, most of my tourist-y pictures will be of signs haha.
i'm a mad writer with a website and communities i play in now and then. it's another ambition to be able to produce some of my work out East rather than here where my mode of thought isn't exactly on par with Western HAHA. i'd share some works, but i'm in the midst of creating a collection for potential publication. we'll see. the remaining moments of my day are dedicated to all things Halo, but mostly playing Halo 3 online. working to become the best i can be and hoping to find similar ppl =D
part of this blog's purpose was to stalk October Episode (wherever they go) with my counterpart (aka little brother aka fellow stalker) Greaser. yes. Greaser.
i'm also a big fan of indie, Jrock and local music, so a lot of who i friend are bands i dig or who have been pimped my way. my music interests are wide and varied (English, German, Jrock, classical - just about anything but country and rap), and it makes me very hoppy to have new music pimped my way. i wish i could sing or play an instrument sometimes, but i'm very content listening to those who do it so well.
i'm also indin - or in PC terms Native American, but indin is shorter HAHA - Lakota/Choctaw more specifically. spent a few years on the Pine Ridge Indin Rez in SoDak (that's South Dakota for the unitiated), but i'm more attracted to my concrete jungles.
hoping to catch some shows this year - wishing X Japan would pick a date and venue so i can start pining to go there. dammit. some of us can't export! dammit!