Created approximately in January 2002, with a primordial and simple interest of explore under music tendencies on a natural way. Tendencies that go from perceptible to surreal and addapt to an own individuality comunion of cause. That's how MOCHUELO was born.
In just a short time this simple idea evolved from the demands of a band with serious interest of rasing a fresh mature sound and laterally project its limitless music. The band began with Eduardo Soto (Drums), Hector Alvarado (Guitar), Alejandro Yanez (Bass), Alcides Goncalves (Guitar) and Mariana Rengifo (Voice). With this resulting crew, the band began to work on creating music under algorithms of simplicity by means of the use of electonic and psicodelic shades and tendencies as Indie, Soul, Trip - Hop, Funk and Pop which became the main ingredients on its music recipe.
MOCHUELO basically represents the dual relationship between two topics; Music and attitude; adhered all the time to obey the natural process of creation adaptation and sample.
Between 2002 and 2004, MOCHUELO kept cultivating its talent in small places, for soon in 2005 gain its entrance to participate on imponent NEW BAND FESTIVAL, turning to be the first winner band from the rear area.
With the release of its first discographic production, "MOCHUELO", integrated by 13 songs which round by the band's history, supported by the young music label SPACE MUSIC RECORDS, the year 2006 was considered as one of the most productive years when letting to know the intense work on the highest and professional levels, increasing its participation and aceptation in comunication medias and representing the country in big young people target festivals.
After the development of its discographic promotion tour, altogether with national circuits of NEW BAND FOUNDATION, which was witness of its growth and development until see MOCHUELO turned into its very absolut winner on 15th edition and been considered the first band on releasing its first record before giving its crown. Besides, MOCHUELO gets to position itself on the first places of the report for 17 weeks in the radio billboards with its first single "ME DESENFOCAS", closing the year named one of the most beneficial and successful bands of 2006. All these topics will give the basic foundations to develop the MOCHUELO TOUR 2007, which is accompanied with its third promotional single with loads of expectation, a videoclip and more than 35 cities to visit in Venezuela, Colombia, Argentina and United States of America, to let to know songs which are part of its new discographic production to be released on late 2007.
Carlos Eduardo Hernandez
email: [email protected]
Yomico Moreno Aponte
email: [email protected]
[email protected] Próximamente Mochuelo Tour 2008