Mixcha is a group of crazy Christians, who have united because they share a love for Christ, and music. Together we create a unique sound that has influences of Rock, Jazz, Gospel, Dancehall, Reggae, Hip Hop and R&B. We are SOLD OUT for Christ and eagerly desire to share that message in music and song to anyone.
We are messengers of Christ. We desire to go anywhere to share God's word. We appreciate the privaledge of representing Christ in front of believers and NON- believers. It’s not about the music. It’s not about the voices. It’s about finding a way to minister His love. Music is simply a tool.
We come from very different backgrounds and ways of life and society. However, we were all given the love of Christ and embrace each other despite our differences. Humility is not second nature for anyone, but it is a task and something we all must learn. It's plain and simple that we are mere human beings, whom God has chosen to see, despite the scum on our faces. He has given us talents which He transforms by His Holy Spirit and we are enabled to return these talents as Gifts to Him. "Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me, I once was lost but now I'm FOUND, no longer am I in sin, PRAISE GOD I'M FREE."