art by nico mekisic profile picture

art by nico mekisic

About Me

Nico is an artist from coastal Southern Australia. From a very young age Nico has perceived immense beauty and life in the world we live in. He has developed his gifts to translate this through many artistic mediums, allowing him to create timeless pieces of artwork.
The wave drawings here are artworks based on photographs taken by Phil Gallagher .
- Many thanks to Phil for the support and for allowing me to create artwork based on the incredible moments he has captured.
All enquiries contact:'sea soul'- pastel drawing'fearless'- pastel drawing'dusk'- pastel drawing'purple glass'- pastel drawing'dark bliss'- pastel drawing'delicate'- oil on canvas

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

A big thank you to Kirsty Hill - You can also find her work on Flickr
Listen to Nico's own music HERE
Also take a moment to visit his Band Laura Hill & The Tuesday Bandits

My Blog

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