Margaret® profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Totally Bitchin Survey
Name: Margaret
Do people spell your name wrong?: all the time
Birthday: 10-21-82
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Birthplace: Warsaw, Poland
Current Location: my couch
Blood Type: hmm, good question
Single or Taken: taken
Have You Ever
Been kissed?: yes
Broke a bone?: my finger
Passed out?: I guess you can call it that
Been in love?: yes
Sat on a rooftop?: yes
Been out of the country?: yes
Had a crush on your teacher?: can't say I have
Been on a plane?: yes
Been engaged?: no
Made yourself cry to get what you wanted?: weird question
Donated Blood?: yes in 12th grade and it was the most traumatic experience of my life
Dyed your hair?: yes
Had lint in your belly button?: NO but someone who shall remain nameless has it all the time
Had a near-death experience?: too many to name
Been to a rodeo?: lol no
Put down sod?: no
Been muddin?: im not from alabama
Had brain freeze?: yes
Slipped on ice and fell?: yes
Person you hugged?: mom
Person you talked to?: mom
Book you read?: currently reading The Road
Time you played truth or dare?: 10th grade??
Thing you bought?: coffee
TIme you cursed?: in the car
Show you watched?: Good Morning America
Store you were in?: 7-11
Shoes you wore?: pumas
Thing you drank?: water
Thing you cooked?: rice
Magazine you looked at?: elle
Tune you hummed?: stanley steamer gets carpets cleaner...
Other Randoms
What school do you go to?: Baruch
How many people have you dated?: 3?
Do you have any siblings?: 1
If so what are their names?: Mark
What are you wearing right now?: sweat pants, T-shirt, sweatshirt
What kind of car do you drive?: Civic
If you were born the opposite sex, what would your name be?: Tom
How many times did you fail your drivers test?: never
Do you have any birthmarks?: no
Are you over-emotional?: yes
How many fillings do you have?: oh god...lots
Do you believe in Heaven?: yes
Do you belive in soulmates: no
What is your opinion on gay marriages?: go for it
Who do you trust the most?: taco
What color is your cell phone?: black
Do you like to make-out?: ha
Have you ever seen a ghost?: yes
Do you want to?: yes i do
Do you live with your parents?: no
How many tvs do you have in your home?: 3
How old were you when you got your first kiss?: 15
Do you want a tattoo?: i want another one, yes
If so of what and where do you want it?: a cross on the back of my neck
Do you know how to drive a standard?: no
Do you have 6 toes on one foot?: lol no
What was your label in highschool?(prep, jock, pothead,etc): who knows
Do you have a psychological disorder?: yes
Do you talk to yourself?: yes in the car all the time
How many thongs do you own?: 3 or 4
What size is your bed?: full
Do you like sea-food?: yes
Do you prefer Spongebob or Patrick?: patrick
Do you do your own laundry?: no my maid does it
Have you seen all the Rocky movies?: no just the new one
Do you like Jerry Springer?: no
What are your pets names?: taco and lady
Do you own a bicycle?: no
Do you like ketchup?: yes
Do you like mustard?: LOVE IT
Do you know what orbing means?: no
Is George Michael gay?: yes
Do you even know who that is?: who doesn't know who George Michael is???
Is there a cow within 5 yards of you right now?: luckily, no
Do you like to eat acorns?: this is weird
Do you call them A-kerns?: no...I am not from Alabama
Do you like to watch Barney?: i used to
Are you cold right now?: im always cold
Name one thing thats in your car right now: garbage
How many Ashleys ( or Ashlies or Ashlees) do you know?: a few
Do you own an NSYNC cd?: YES
What color is the chair you are sitting in?: blue couch
What color underware are you wearing?: pink green and yellow stripes
Do you have a wedgie?: not at the moment
Do you like to stop and smell the roses?: no
Are you or have you ever been a Power Ranger?: lol god no
Do you wear lipstick?: no
How many Care Bears do you own?: none :(
Are all snowflakes different?: yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:





One Hundred Years of Solitude, Alice in Wonderland, A Fine Balance, Fall on Your Knees, Angela's Ashes, Song of Solomon, The Catcher in the Rye, The Da Vinci Code, House of Sand and Fog, East of Eden, Angels and Demons, A Million Little Pieces