The arts, painting photogrophy
My Dad's family, Trent Resner, the guy who created Johney the homicidal maniac, Johnny Depp........
Mettle, Some Tecno, Some Rock... Motly Crue, Ozzy, Black Sabith, Korn, Guttermouth, Jack off Jill, Manson, Metallica, Kitty, Otep, HIM, MSI, Mankind is obsolite,The Cure,Lamb of God, Chimara, Nile, Musroom Head, ICP, Rehab, Dresden Dolls, White Zombi, David Boie and many others
Music Video Codes By ..
the cure
Queen of the dambed, The Crow, Euro Trip, nightmare before christmas, Saw, Edward Scissor hands, Donnie Darkow, prozak nation
Gypsie 83
Foamy the squrle, Family Guy, Future Rama, the Simpsons, The grim adventurs of billy and mandy
Companions Of the night , Green Angel, the vaprire cronicles, Anna of Byzantium, The Anita Blake siries...