Enterprise-D Warp Drive profile picture

Enterprise-D Warp Drive

About Me

The Warp Propulsion System, the single most complex and energetic element of the Enterprise-D, is the latest version of the device that at last afforded humanity access to deep interstellar space, facilitated contact with other lifeforms, and profoundly changed all preeminent technological civilizations in the Milky Way. As installed in the "Galaxy" class. the WPS consists of three major assemblies: the matter/antimatter reaction assembly, power transfer conduits, and warp engine nacelles. The total system provides energy for its primary application, propelling the Enterprise-D through space, as well its secondary application, powering essential, high-capacity systems such as defensive shields, phaser arrays, tractor beam, main deflector, and computer cores. My original propulsion system specifications were transmited to the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards on July 6, 2343, but because of changing political conditions among members of the Federation, intelligence forecast describing improved Threat hardware, and an increasing number of scientific programs that could benefit from a vessel with improved performance, my designs were revised and resent to the Utopia Planitia desingers. These specifications required the "Galaxy" class to sustain a normal cruising speed of Warp 6 untill fuel exhaustion, a maximum cruising speed of Warp 9.2, and a maximum top speed of Warp 9.6 for twelve hours. "Eugene's Limit" allows for warp stress to increase asymptotically, approaching but never reaching a value cooresponding to Warp Factor 10. As field values approach 10, power requirements rise geometrically, while driver coil efficiency drops dramatically. Even if it were possible to expend the theoretically infinite amount of energy needed, an object at Warp 10 would be travelling infintely fast, occupying all points in the universe simultaneously.
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