RaGga PrInCeSs profile picture

RaGga PrInCeSs

About Me

HeLlO LitTle BoYs LiTtLe GirLs!!!Am A DaNcEr iN a CoSMoDiSco"You CAn Be tHe moSt FantAstic Plum...rAcy...DesIRAbLe SweeT, anD you CAn OffEr YOurSelf To AnyOne,buT Dont Forget: tHerE aRe SOme PeoPle Who DoeSnt Like PlumS. You HaVe tO unDerStand ThaT yOu aRe THe moST FAntAstic Plum, And The One You LikEs Can LovE The PluMs AnD HATe it ASweLL...it Is PossiBle To Be a BAnanA. But You HavE to Know BefORe YoU ChoOse ThaT you Cant Be thE bEst, JusT onE From The miDDle-ClASs. you Can alWaYs Be THe BesT pLum!Be CarEfuL, if You ChooSe to Be an AvAraGe BanaNa, THeRe Will Be still OtHeRs Who DoEsnT Like BanAna. You Can WaiSt YOur TIme On TryiNg TO be a BettEr BAnAna, WhiCh is ImPossiBle, As YOu ARe a PluM...But YOu CAn Try To Be The BeSt Plum AGain!"
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My Interests


I'd like to meet:

IggY PoP :):):)




Lords of Dogtown, WonderLand, REquieM for a Dream, The Jacket, WakIngLife, TranSpottinG,BEaCh...BlaBla


Wildboyz, CARTOON NEtWoRK :)


One Houndred years soluted


Lauryn Hill,Edith Piaf