Clytemnestra profile picture


About Me

My name translates to "praiseworthy wooing". I am the daughter of Tyndareus and Leda, but some speculate I am truly the product of a union between our heavenly father Zeus and my mother. Rumour has it that he wooed her in the guise of a swan. In this myth my mother hatched two eggs, from one came my brothers, Castor and Pollux, and from the other my sister, Helen, and I. My life was initially a happy one. I was married twice; once to Tantalus, King of Pisa, and then to Agamemnon, King of Mycenae. I would have lived happily ever after with my beloved Tantalus, had Agamemnon not killed him in cold blood! Agamemnon then took me as his wife, so having few rights I decided to make the best our marriage. The formative years of our union was a golden one, producing our beautiful children Iphigeneia (may she rest in peace, my beautiful virgin), Orestes (how can he betray his mother who bore him!), Chrysothemis and Electra (that sneaky bitch!). While these years had been relatively untroubled, Agamemnon soon changed that! My husband (the traitorous wretch) had decided to go off to Troy in order to wage war on Paris for stealing away with Helen, (my sister and his brother, Menelaus', wife). This was all well and good; I could not find argument in this as I missed my sister dearly. Bloody Agamemnon and his interpretations of the divine, that twisted and corrupt decipherment, then sacrificed our angelic daughter Iphigeneia to the goddess Artemis, who he felt needed to be pacified in order for his men to have safe travel to Troy... Of all the despicable things to do. The loss of my daughter has torn at my heart for eons, and the deceit of Agamemnon whom I had trusted and loved burns me worse than the fires of Hades. Did you know that tricked me into sending her to him by telling me that she was to be wed to the hero Achilles? Oh how I weep tears for my folly of trust. When Agamemnon left for Troy I was alone and anguishing in the pits of despair. Had Aegisthus not given me a shoulder to cry on, who knows what I would have done in those darkened days...? The comfort he provided me eventually turned to desire and he became my lover and lived as my husband. When Agamemnon returned after the war, the fact he had brought his concubine, Cassandra, was yet another knife in my heart. So I waited until he was in his bath, threw a cloth over him so he couldn't fight, then killed him. Merciful was I, who did not make him suffer years of torture and agony, the way he had made the last decade of my life. He stole my daughter from my breast and left me alone to wallow with my grief for ten years! How could my sorrow not turn to hatred for such a loathsome man??? Things were finally happy after that, Aegisthus and I ruled in contentment for the next 8 years. Then Orestes and Electra, seeking revenge for their father, murdered my beloved Aegisthus and myself. For my acts against Agamemnon I know toil mercilessly in Hades... the toil is well worth knowing that bastard rots in a fate worse than I.
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Agamemnon, so I could kill him once more!