Lex profile picture


About Me

Hello, Citizen. You might want to get used to this voice. Come November 28th, you’ll be hearing a lot more of it. The name Lex Luthor will be on the lips and minds of everyone with an internet connection. Hello there. Wondering what’s on my mind? On November 28th, you won’t have to wonder any longer. My wisdom, my intellect, my vision – will be everywhere, whether you like it or not. I welcome you to my site. Because you’re interested I’m going to let you in on a little plan of mine. Today, this webpage. On November 28th, the world. I’m back and I won’t be stopped.

My Blog


Congratulations, people. You and Superman have made the Internet "safe" once more for spammers, hackers, and mindless junk mail, so break out your cheap bubbly and toast your "victory." Then consider ...
Posted by on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 09:39:00 GMT

Pocket Change

I have to say, I'm insulted. My head's worth only a million dollars? Perhaps you people should worry more about the economy than stopping me from taking over a wildly out-of-control Internet. Still, a...
Posted by on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 16:40:00 GMT

Why The Internet Needs To Be Controlled

I've always considered the Daily Planet a source of journalistic integrity, until Lois Lane's recent diatribe ("Speaking Freely On The Internet"). Did she even read that recent dot-com study, which sh...
Posted by on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 00:00:00 GMT

The World Needs A Web Master

If YOU were privileged enough to assist the GREATEST mind of our time, wouldn't you do everything in your power to prove you were worthy? Wouldn't you hang on every intelligent word? Learn about globa...
Posted by on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 11:35:00 GMT


Land For SailI wanted to be Prometheus, to steal fire from the other gods and give control of it to you (for a fee). Instead, Superman stranded me on an island with six coconuts, my clueless Kitty and...
Posted by on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 17:58:00 GMT