Hey There,
Thanks for stopping by, take a seat, make yourself comfortable!
Would you like a cuppa? If so, tea or coffee?
I'm afraid the coffee is only instant and the tea is the cheapest you can buy and viz, the bags have a habit of breaking on occasion, but please know that they are offered with only the sincirest of hospitality.
I don't have any biscuits to go with your beverage as I am somewhat adverse to baking and i haven't been able to afford any this week... how about some vegemite toast? That always goes well with a cuppa... yes? Do you like your vegemite thick or thin? Im a thin girl myself, too much vegemite causes my eyes to go squinty and makes me gag. Do you not agree that getting the right vegemite/butter ratio is a skill worthy of a degree in itself, I have been the victim of too many vegemite overdoses to believe any differently.So while I am busy manning the toaster, why don't you sit a spell and peruse my folio. Hopefully you will find a few photos you like and they brighten your day somewhat. Or you may see some photos from a show that you attended and that brings back pleasant memories (or if were caught in a particulary nasty moshpit or had your partner/best mate/person you just picked up at the bar that night, vomit all over your new shoes, some particularly bad ones. If this is the case, please accept my apologies for dredging up pain from the past) Or, if photography doesnt excite you, I will be hopefully doing a little writing here as well (If meandering prattle is your thing, I certainly know it is mine).So, slip of your shoes, find a comfy chair and sit a spell.Thanks for stopping by,jb