Loocbee The fit goth! profile picture

Loocbee The fit goth!

About Me

But not as often as she used to be, so dont expect me to reply to you every 5 minutes....
Currently Craving: Starbucks Venti, Extra shot, Extra hot, Skinny, Wet, Almond Latte's and CUSTARD CREAMS....
It was nine-thirty on christmas eve as i crossed the long hallway......
I am a LEGEND, quite a few times over ;)
Fear can hold you prisoner...
Hope can set you free...

Dream as if you'll live forever...
Live as if you'll die tomorrow
...It's the sense of touch. In any real city, you walk, you know?
You brush past people, people bump into you.
In this city, nobody touches you. We're always behind this metal and glass.
I think we miss that touch so much, that we crash into each other,
just so we can feel something....

You know that person who can walk into a room and everyone will turn to look at them, you dont know why but there's just something about that person that makes you want to look at them...
I am that person
I'm vain and I'm shallow, but more importantly, I'm honest
You're reading this because you clicked on my profile pic, you clicked on my profile pic becuase you think i'm hot. Let's face it, you're just as vain as me...
and there's nothing wrong with that
I love the fact that Victoria Beckham starves herself to achieve the same waist measurement I have naturally.
I can sing Blondie songs better than Debbie Harry
I can sing Led Zeppelin songs better than Robert Plant
It's not who I am, but what I do that defines me
I've spent 3 years getting a BSc which, although fun was a complete waste of time and money, still, I met some great people and it looks good on the CV, plus I did no work, wrote a dissertation on Homer Simpson, and milked my NUS card for every discount under the sun. This can be called my 'year out' and rather than poncing around the world, wasting money and getting off my head on booze and various crap drugs I thought i'd sit at home on my (rather lovely) arse and then at some point apply for the years course at the London School of Musical Theatre, because guess what? That's what I want to do as a career. In November I got bored of sitting on my arse so I currently work as a teaching assistant at a Primary School virtually opposite my house, I know the headmaster very well so it was a bit of a shoe-in and it means I can leave my house at 8:28 and be in school for 8:30, happy days, plus it means I can now fritter away money on shoes bags and various bits of electrical equipment, currently got my eye on a nice little Bose WAVE music system, yummy.
Oh and I did audition for the London School of Musical Theatre and they liked me so I start in September, watch this space......
If you take the time to message me with decent questions, I'll take the time to message you with decent answers....
I do not consider How are you? What you doing? What's up? How you been? to be decent questions
If you've met me, you wont forget me, I wont let you ;)
I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way
Yeah, I have more guy friends that girl friends, I prefer it that way, guess I just make a better impression on the guys ;)

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

YOU if you're hot
Your boyfriend if he's fit
Your girlfriend if she's sexy

ANYONE who will make me laugh and occasionally pander to my ego when I'm feeling a bit shit.

A man who I am so totally comfortable with, that i'm happy to cry in front of them, and it doesnt happen very often

A man who can tell me 'No you dont look fat in that' Regularly and with the utmost honesty and conviction.

Does such a man exist, yes, he does, and I've found him and I love him and I cant imagine life without him and he feels the same way, bit of luck there then eh? ;)

Comment NOW Bitch!
Girl, you're gorgeous and you ROCK!

I have Shitloads of friends.

but as this page is 100% egotistical and all about ME ME ME you'll have to click HERE to see them...

My Blog


Those of you that actually know me more than commenting that i'm hot on myspace know I dont drink.All that changed last Sunday. ;)Bare with me here, the boyfriend plays rugby for Thurrock, very succes...
Posted by on Sun, 01 Apr 2007 12:37:00 GMT

Vanity Sunday

I am a genius :DWhat is Sunday to you? 'A day to get over Saturday night' most of you will be thinking, perhaps a day during which all you think about is all the crap you have to do on Monday morning,...
Posted by on Sun, 08 Oct 2006 11:22:00 GMT

If the devil wears Prada.... I'm going to hell!

The Devil wears Prada could possibly be the best film of the year, well in my humble opinion anyway but then I've suddenly found my passion for fashion, it's taken 21 years but now I cant get enough o...
Posted by on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 10:14:00 GMT


Ok so i've been tagged I therefore have to write 6 things all about ME ME ME!Because there's not enough in my bloody profile..so here goes...1. my left hamstring is more flexible than my right hamstri...
Posted by on Sat, 29 Apr 2006 13:49:00 GMT