Feed the Scenester's to the lions profile picture

Feed the Scenester's to the lions


About Me

Dear Mr. Toilet im the shit. Bush's will be burned. You see there's a fire umong the legal constitution a blazing one at that. Were all so scared to put it out that were running back into our houses like a demestocated cat. The land we live on is so infested with law we cant climb freedom over that beautiful red white and blue wall. So were blinded by mediocricy's way of life showing us scandles so we dont have to fight. A leading war on the so called "terrorist" I understand they screwed us over but im a feeding metalist capable of understand the reason for fucking with the best, capable of knowing that we should detest this whole democracy that has us spinning in circles in search of "their" perfect life. Then you think planly and see that nothing is perfect unless we can finally raise our fist's and voices and not be so udderly quite for we have strength to conquer what is right and let the wronge be sucked away for a decade or 2 i'm sick of seeing war being new. Let it be old new's and let us be free for i wont stop shouting until they listen to me

My Interests


Quinten Tarintino, Fight Club, Nightmare Before Christmas, Tim Burton, Ghost Busters, Roger Rabbit, Batman 1


Adult Swim and Certain show's on Comedy central and Discovery Channel. Yeah other than that some Fox shows as well. Oh and Nick.


I love to read end of story.