...I'M JuSt Me♥...
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♥ MY MAMA is my favorite person in the world i love her so much and look up to her for getting me as far as i am and always helping me thru everything.. I LOVE YOU MOMMY =) ♥
. ..
MyHotComments♥AnyThiNg cOuNtRy♥
♥CrOSs CanAdIan RaGweEd
♥RanDy RogErS BaNd
♥KeiTh UrBan
♥BrAd PaiSLeY
♥KeNnY CheSneY
♥George Strait
♥Sara Evans
♥TaylOr SwIFt
♥THe NoteBooK ♥Cinderella Story ♥8 SeConDs ♥CoWboY WaY ♥PuRe CoUntRy ♥ThE RiNGeR ♥We ArE MaRsHaLL ♥fRidAY NiGHt LiGHts ♥Remember tHE tItANS ♥MeaN GiRLs
♥ LaGuNa BeaCH ♥thE HiLLS ♥ MY super sweet 16 ♥ExPoSed ♥NeXt ♥ ThE rEaL WorLD ♥mOst stUff on disCovErY HeaLtH ♥FuLL hOusE ♥DeAL or NO dEaL ♥AmErIcaN iDoL ♥CoYote Ugly ♥AnY HuntIn ShOWs =]
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♥GOd... ♥my mom and step dad cuz there always there for me and help me with everything they can and teach me right from wrong.. And they lead me the right way. I wouldn't be able to make it w/ out em and i love them very much.. =]