Michael Jordan, Maya Angelou, Adam Sandler, Bill Clinton, Tommy Chong, Dave Ramsey, Colin Powell, Rasheed Wallace, Method Man, Red Man, Hot Sauce, and Jason Williams.... I'd would say you, but everyone's sayin that shit.Some people I would have liked to meet: 2pac, Martin Luther King Jr., JFK, Al Capone, Aliyah, Kurt Cobain, Helen Keller, Chris Farly, My Grandmother, and Jesus... crazy huh,... u know you want to meet him too.
You know, the first time I saw Man on Fire, I relized that I have the same olive suit my man Denzel is wearin' in the movie. The movie itself, is my favorite movie to date, and the suit has nothing to do with it. The story line and the visual editing made the movies greatness. The man gives everything he has, including his own life, for a babie girl that showed him that he had one.
Anything that will help my brain grow
My family wich saves me from insanity