Luke profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I really just like the little things in life. Well most might think there little, but I think there HUGE. Like breathing for example... I love it:) Problems just aren't that big a deal for me because I'm still breathing. I like smiles from strangers. I like the happiness in a child when you spend quality time with them for no reason, just to play. I like sunny days, ice cream trucks, and double dutch in the street. I like the way my dog looks at me in his calmest moment. I like people being themselves no matter how acward they might feel. I think by now you might get my point, I like positivity, it just makes time easier to deal with.My boy decided that he wanted to cage fight, so we went to Flint to enter him in one. Although he lost his first fight wich is the video I'm showing, he went on to Saginaw the next week and demolished his opponent. He's 1 - 1......If this offends anyone, my apoligies, I'm gettig fuckin tired of this shit! Too many people are dyin, and for what? What happened to catchin that fucker?...I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Michael Jordan, Maya Angelou, Adam Sandler, Bill Clinton, Tommy Chong, Dave Ramsey, Colin Powell, Rasheed Wallace, Method Man, Red Man, Hot Sauce, and Jason Williams.... I'd would say you, but everyone's sayin that shit.Some people I would have liked to meet: 2pac, Martin Luther King Jr., JFK, Al Capone, Aliyah, Kurt Cobain, Helen Keller, Chris Farly, My Grandmother, and Jesus... crazy huh,... u know you want to meet him too.


You know, the first time I saw Man on Fire, I relized that I have the same olive suit my man Denzel is wearin' in the movie. The movie itself, is my favorite movie to date, and the suit has nothing to do with it. The story line and the visual editing made the movies greatness. The man gives everything he has, including his own life, for a babie girl that showed him that he had one.


Anything that will help my brain grow


My family wich saves me from insanity

My Blog

My Life, my growth.

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of hapiness. I pursue hapiness.  But more, I pursue growth.  Some people think most of the population in America is only after one thing.  Money.  A...
Posted by Luke on Sat, 09 Jun 2007 05:51:00 PST

Stackin' Paypa

Okay... I'm ready to hit the lotto anyday now.  I work too damn much.  I think about how much fun I have everyday just bein' awake in general, but I find myself at work most of the time.&nb...
Posted by Luke on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 11:57:00 PST

Life and Politics

     I haven't done the Blog thing 2 much, but I'm gonna start now.  I've seen that this is a good place to get things off your chest.  I don't mind talking politics,&nbs...
Posted by Luke on Sun, 13 Aug 2006 03:43:00 PST