About Me
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If you did what I told you toooo, you're looking at this at night / early morning & it's officially 11/03/2008(; So! You're a year older (but not old at all) and because I have your password I'm taking advantage of it and using it to be extremely cheesy and mushy.
I'm going to start off telling you things; even if you won't necessarily believe them (at least, you act like you do; I know inside you know it's allll true.)
Jeffrey; From the veerrrryy moment we said hi, you were smiling. You're almost always smiling; which is a good thing(: You're like sunshine. You can take any dull moment and make them bright. Ask anyone during those times after CWS when we're just sitting there -- & you start to act goofy. You know how to entertain, to comfort, and to just generally make everything alright.
Next. You listen and you understand. You have a knack of getting down to the heart of a problem, and if not fixing it, assuring that it'll be okay, and being completely convincing.
You're a big-hearted guy with a big cheesy smile that everyone lovesss.
Jeffeeehhh mister music man. You sing. You pwn DDR pads (& me -_-) You play guitar. You "mess around" and create melodies. What's next? I sense dancing in your future. Bwa ha haaa!
Jeffrizzle my dizzle. I remember being little (12yrs old, eek) and watching you smashing keys on the DDR pad. I remember you acting crazy and making even the minister laugh. Who knew life would take a turn and I would end up coming across you again! I remember February when TJ asked if I wanted to meet his brother. I said sure. THEN I remember my jaw dropping and realizing that's the same guy I saw when I was twelve. I'm completely happy things happened in life to somehow bring me to Tracy and meet you. Again. :)
Behhhb. If you call yourself weird one more time, I'll smack you. If you call yourself old, I'll smack you again. I know inside you realize how much of an impact you have on my life, and on many peoples' lives. You're loved my so many. Just look at all the smiley faces in the CWS when you sit up there. See how many hugs you get everytime at church. You're a great guy and you're completely and undeniably blessed. & the world's completely and undeniably blessed by having you in it.
I know I can't exactly spend your birthday with you... & I know for a fact I can't get you anything [because I'm an idiot, yes]; but I can throw mushy words at you. & you can be sure that I mean each and every one of them.
Jeffrey. I hope that God continues to give you so many more years in your life & that you always stay strong. You're seriously one of the best people I've managed to get to know. I pray that we'll never ever drift apart. I'm so thankful to have someone I can turn to and trust. I know for a fact your family, friends, and the people around you are also lovin' you and thankful for you too(: You've taught me and others so much. I have you to thank for keeping me going and for keeping me from breaking down sometimes.
As one more year is added, it's a sign that God still wants you here. Obviously, Jeff, you're doing something [if not everything. ha!] right. I look up to you in so many ways and I'll stand beside you through anything. I love you so much(:
I hope this birthday brings you smiles and realizations. You truly are an amazing person and you deserve only the best. Life is short; but the impact one life can put on others is forever --- And I'm sure that you have done just that. You've influenced and impacted in so many ways.
You are a guy with a smile and a swagga that nobody can ever forget. Hence the fact that I remember you from all the way back from when I was a liddo kiddy(:
Jeffrey. I'll have to cut it here because I cant stop cheesin, you fool. I hope your birthday is unforgettable. I pray that you have so many more. & I thank you for being there for me and for helping me despite any situation.
Happy birthday, Jeffrey Batolinia Avila! I love you! ♥
-Chchchchcielo [Cielo.] :)