Breanna profile picture


The saddest part of a broken heart isn't the ending so much as the start-Feist

About Me

I'm in love with nature, art, beauty in the eye of the beholder, my friends, my boyfriend, my new bike, food, my fat jeans, my skinny jeans, my patchwork skirt from kathmandu, hot chocolate with mint, books, the travel section of the sunday paper, top ramen soup, milk, blueberries and watermelon, the perfect summer day, the greenway connecting loring park to nicollet mall, myself, modest mouse, cherry coke, fruit pops, rehearsals(only after they start, getting there is the hard part), lake of the isles, babies, blondie cat, snakebites, the perfect bloody mary, water, magazines, paint, sleeping, waking up and falling back to sleep, rain at night, macaroni and cheese, the farmers market. 360 degrees of mountains. Pinon. Kombucha. Vinyasa. I love life.

My Interests

Life. Love. Sunshine. Dancing. Writing. Meeting new people. Astrology. Does the day you were born on really make a difference in the path your life will take? The Environment Finding myself and my role in the world.

I'd like to meet:

Princess Diana. Mother Teresa. Angelina Jolie. The man named Jesus. People who know what they want in life and go after it in an honest way. People who care about themselves, but not so much that they overlook others. The me that comes out when I'm standing up for something I believe in and not just talking about it.


Another endless list but heres a few: *Nico Case *Imogen Heap *Feist *MC Solar *Mason Jennings *Violent Femmes *Kaiser Chiefs *Beck *Franz Fernidad *Death Cab for cutie *The Pixies *the Shins *Gorillaz *Modest Mouse *Nelly Furtado *Garth Brooks *Alanis Morisette *Green Day *Macy Grey *Yellowcard *Maxeen *Something Corporate *Bowling for Soup *The Doors *The Postal Service *Flogging Molly *The Beatles


I love movies but I hardly have time to watch them. I would like to be in one, something independent. *Volver *Babel *The Dukes of Hazzard *Starsky and Hutch *6 Feet Under *V for Vendetta *Crash *Steel Magnolias *Anchorman *All the national Lampoon's *Meet the Fockers *When Harry met Sally *The Prince and me *Cold Mountain *IMAX movies *Mean Girls *Farenheit 9/11 *Paradise Lost *Farmingville


America's Next Top Model( Don't judge me:) *That 70's Show *CSI: Las Vegas.


MY ALL TIME FAVORITES ARE: *Shantaram *1984 *To Kill a Mockingbird I'M CURRENTLY READING: *Unveiled: The Hidden Lives of Nuns"-Cheryl L. ReedI'VE RECENTLY READ: **Marching Powder: a true story of friendship and cocaine in Bolivia. *The Spirit Catches you and you Fall Down - Anne Fadiman *Shantaram *To Kill a Mockingbird- Harper Lee *The Grapes of Wrath *1984 *Waiting *Son of the Revolution *God of Small Things *Oldest living confederate widow tells all *me talk pretty some day *he's just not that into you *naked *interpreter of maladies *the namesake *The things they carried *Angels and Demons *Zen and the Art of Motorcylce Maintenence *Anna Karenina *The Davinci Code *The Story of Edgar Cayce *Edgar Cayce: Many Mansions on Reincarnation


Those who stand up for what they believe in.Myspace For Girls Only -

My Blog

I'm sick and bored and restless.

200 Things about me.(I've been sick for 4 days, I'm bored out of my mind!)ABOUT ME.. !!200. My name is: Bree or Fucking majestic awesome. Your choice.199. I was born on: Feb 18, 23 years ago.198. I a...
Posted by Breanna on Fri, 25 May 2007 09:59:00 PST

So far in 2006...

So Far in 2006....1. How many relationships have you had this year?One. And it's my last.2. Have you had your birthday?Yes and I'm about to celebrate another.3. Been to church?I've been in a church. ...
Posted by Breanna on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 03:52:00 PST

Divorce, General elections and dumb drivers.

Hello everyone. I just need to get some things off my chest. First thing- I woke up this morning to take Chris to work, I made some coffee and then turned on the T.V. The headlining news was the bre...
Posted by Breanna on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 09:01:00 PST

New beginnings

Lets see... Another chapter of my life is closing. The chapter that was the last 3 years of my life. I moved across the country with a man that I thought I loved, I broke his heart and he went home,...
Posted by Breanna on Sat, 16 Sep 2006 10:36:00 PST

2 days, 44 miles & endurance.

I'm finally able to use my arms fully and write about the mighty Mississippi and the 2 day challange that might have changed my life. It did change my life, because this weekend, for the first time I...
Posted by Breanna on Thu, 10 Aug 2006 03:12:00 PST

The survey

TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The SurveyName:Bree-GBirthday:Feb 1984Birthplace:K-townCurrent Location:Minneapolis MnEye Color:BrownHair Color:BrownHeight:5'5"Right Handed or Left Handed:RightyYour Heritage...
Posted by Breanna on Tue, 13 Dec 2005 08:41:00 PST

*Sigh* the ambitions back but...

So, I was walking through the park and obscuring my view of cute squirrels and the like were homeless people sleeping everywhere.  This caused a snap decision to walk across the lawn and into the...
Posted by Breanna on Wed, 17 Aug 2005 08:59:00 PST

Who stole my ambition?

Along the way I lost my ambition, or perhaps it was stolen.  All I have to say is I would like to have it back.  If you could please return it by 10am tomorrow morning, I would greatly appre...
Posted by Breanna on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Consistent pain = PROBLEM

Why?  why take care of it?  Because if its persistent it means somethings wrong. Like... a stress fracture.  Thats what happened to me.  8 months ago I started having foot pains an...
Posted by Breanna on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

pylon cones and a missing kitty

I'm not sure why I thought this was a good idea, but the other night after drinking on a patio from 4-midnight,  my girlfriends and I decided it would be good to walk home.  on the way home ...
Posted by Breanna on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST