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I am here for Friends

About Me

i forgot to remember
there’s a room at the top of the stairs. no one knows about it- well, no one but me. i went there once, in the middle of the night. it was cold and dark and rank, but if you stood out on the balcony you could see the stars, the Moon, and if you looked close enough, you could see the Sun.
that was years ago. since then, everything has changed. the building burned down and a shopping mall was built over it. but i think the room is still there. i’m sure you could get to it if you tried. sad thing is, i stopped trying a long time ago.
i can no longer see the Sun. in a way, i miss it. maybe, just maybe, it didn’t leave me behind. maybe it’s coming for me now, racing through the universe to find me. yea, right. it’s not like it can fly.
in my entire life, i’ve only seen one thing that could fly. he had purple eyes, white wings, and a black brow. he asked me if i was alive. i said i thought i was. he asked me if i could see. i said i thought i could. he asked me if i had control. i said i thought i did.
he’s dead now. car accident or something. i never got the whole story. you never do, not really. is there such thing as a whole story?
once, when i was walking, i saw a tree with a face. it spoke to me.
Tree: it’s cold outside.
me: yes.
Tree: just thought i’d tell you.
me: thanks.
Tree: can you hear the wind? it’s rustling through my leaves.
me: yes, i can hear it.
Tree: hum. i thought you could.
the Tree is gone now too. someone cut it down, chopped it up. shame. it was beautiful.
i used to have some friends. they would come to me in the middle of the night and whisper poetry in the darkness. then one day i got an offer i couldn’t refuse, and they vanished with the Sun. i never saw them again. sometimes, when i’m alone, i watch the shadows on the ceiling and wonder where they went. but only when i’m alone.
i had a dream a long time ago that i was walking on the beach. everything around me was liquid. the sand, the rocks, the crabs. everything. i looked around, and there beside me was a girl. she was crying, and her tears were washing over everything as they made their way to the sea. why are you crying? i asked.
because i can. she replied.
oh. no duh. i said, and walked away.
i used to think i was an artist. i used to think i was a poet. i used to think i was a dreamer. now i know that i simply am.
i’ve been thinking, lately, that i’d really like it to snow. it’s always so peaceful when it snows. the clouds come and the flakes fall and everything is white. and you cannot see the sun. that’s the most important thing. you cannot see the sun.
earlier today, i was walking in the rain. suddenly, my head was surrounded by bees.
‘we thought you were dead.’ they hissed in shrill voices that i recognized. ‘we thought you were dead we thought you were dead.’
‘but i’m not!’ i cried. ‘i’m not i’m not!’ but they didn’t answer. they had already gone and could not hear me.
the Moon is setting. i can see it from under my bush. soon, it will be dark, and i will sleep. but i won’t dream. i never dream anymore.
wait, what’s that? over there, can you see it? i think it’s moving. no, it’s not. stop. go. start. i’m screaming. can you hear me? no? i didn’t think so. i’m lost. can you find me? will you find me? look. over there. i’m gone.
don’t ask me where i’ve been. if you do, i will say nothing because i have no answer. i have already forgotten.
my feet are dangling as i sit on this balcony. up here, it’s dark and cold and rank. but i can see the stars, and i can see the Moon, sinking below the horizon. and i can see something else. something cold and distant, but it’s coming closer. what is it? could it be? no. yes. yes, it is.
i think it’s the Sun.

My Interests

I love freaking out at concerts, music, movies, books, pie, mountains, the ocean, rain.... Facebook me!

I'd like to meet:

Green Day, Aiden... again, All of my other favorite bands, JRR Tolkien, Elijah Wood, Edward Norton, Johnny Depp, Terry Goodkind, Anne Bonny, Mary Read, Your Mom


AIDEN, Green Day, Bayside, My Chemical Romance, Underoath, Linkin Park, Rise Against, I Am Ghost,Eighteen Visions, Sullivan, Himsa, Punchline, HIM, Bullet For My Valentine, The Bled, From First to Last, Silverstein, Hawthorne Heights, From Autumn to Ashes, Avenged Sevenfold, My Silent Farewell, Emanuel, Papa Roach, On The Last Day, Taking Back Sunday, The Used, Armor For Sleep, Atreyu, Breaking Benjamin, the Audition, Nightmare of You, Nine Inch Nails, Rage Against the Machine, Trivium, Silica, Sum 41, The All- American Rejects, afi, Blink 182, Fall Out Boy, Howard Shore, Movie Soundtracks, a ton more that I'm too lazy to write out.


The Lord of the Rings, American History X, Donnie Darko, The Boondock Saints, Children Of Men, Pan's Labyrinth, Becoming Jane, Fight Club, V For Vendetta, Pirates of the Caribbean 1 2 & 3, Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix, The Prestige, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Queen of the Damned, The Emperor's New Groove, The Breakfast Club, American Beauty, Hellboy, Spiderman 1, 2 & 3, X-Men, TMNT, Edward Sccisorhands, Sky Captain and the World of Tomarrow, King Kong, Secret Window, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Corpse Bride, Bridge To Terabithia, 300, Meet The Robinson's, Disturbia, High School Musical 1 & 2, The Last King of Scotland


LOST, Malcom in the Middle, The Simpsons, South Park, Danny Phantom, Fosters Home For Imaginary Friends, Gilmore Girls, Fairy Odd Parents, Adult Swim, Planet Earth, Hannah Montana


The Lord of the Rings, everything else by Tolkien, The Sword of Truth, Harry Potter, A Seris of Unfortunate Events, The Books of Pellinor, The Lovely Bones, Anything by T. A. Barron, Some by Tamora Pierce, Pendragon, The Perks of Being A Wallflower, The Farsala Trilogy, The Dark Is Rising books, ten thousand others....


wiL Francis, Aiden, Billie Joe Armstrong, Green Day, Sandy & Julia, JRR Tolkien, Frodo Baggins, Anne Bonny, My Friends, My Family, Your Mom