I'm gonna be a poet, spend the rest of my life on the buzz of writing. I apparently live next door to a hollywood producer, but they all suck anyway. I get paranoid, and authority likes to yell at me. I love to read, love writing more. The Beatles have captured my heart long ago, but it now belongs to Franky. Matt Crowson likes to insult me, and my brother Bradley has taken to hitting on me over his phone. Those are the genes that run in my family. I think my father is gay, but he's way too much of a player. I have internet in my room. fucking amazing right? I have a soft spot for random excursions, and late night walks. I like crawling out of windows, be it on to my roof, or out of my backyard. my parents like locking doors, but i think it keeps the real world out. I know this dude, and he has pretty good taste in music. I like the way he smells, but nothing tops how he treats me. What's Eating Gilbert Grape is a masterpeice. My room is filled with blacklight posters, works of bands and talented dead artists and alot of Carbon Monoxide. I swear I had nothing to do with it. I think it's funny that telling someone you had a little too much fun last night means you're not having any fun right now. Fucked up should mean what knocked up does. I like pickles, and my birthday is the best day in the year, although February 29th is a real close second. I believe the Big Positive should get back together. My car smells heavily of smoke. I blame Franky. I miss sleeping on Kay's couch with Matty harassing me. Franky's house is an okay substitute. My Granpa needs to come back to life. Music makes me happy. As does well written poems with gory images or badass undertones. Nanner like the word DAMN. I like the word FUCK. Nothing gets emotion out like punching walls. I won't be able to flip people off when I grow up, but I'll be the first to know about flucuations in pressure. Christmas hasn't been the same since I discovered the truth about Tupac. Oh, the things I'd do if I was granted immunity. Oh, how unconditional love would prove them unnesseccary.
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