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He who knows most, knows best how little he knows.

About Me

social anxiety disorder.
love for music.
over analytical.
social drunk.
music projects
live band photos
hella///lightning bolt///mindflayer///the visit///mahi mahi///ex-models///get hustle///the chinese stars///man man///dd/mm/yyyy///athletic automaton///aids wolf///anagram
the visit///the incidentals///the mark inside///dd/mm/yyyy///made in mexico///aids wolf///varge///the doers///old time relijun///man man///usaisamonster///oneida///extermination music night
rozasia///nervous sleepers///an albatross///the visit///statues///ex models///career suicide///the incidentals///we should have a meeting///lolita vibrator torture///quebexico///dd/mm/yyyy-heiress and the sex tapes///the visit///cpc gangbangs///career suicide///brutal knights///i can put my arm back on you can't///the mark inside
random toronto pics///varge!
low quality live band videos

My Interests

drums/guitar/effects/jamming. reading. world politics. art. taking risks (on hold). live music. travelling (on hold). cooking. urban exploration. garbage picker/collector. observing people. bicycle riding. film. screenprinting (learning soon). libraries. talking to homeless people/strangers.

I'd like to meet:

You have beaten me, broken my neck, knocked my teeth out. You’ve drugged me for years, dragging me up and down prison hallways, laying my head on every chopping block you’ve got in this state; chained me, burnt me, but you cannot defeat me. All you can do is destroy yourselves with your own judgments.
—Charles Manson, at his 1986 parole hearing

and someone who can knit me one of these:


the advantage. aidswolf. an albatross. ahleuchatistas. anagram. aphex twin. arab on radar. athletic automaton. battles. the beatles. big black. the birthday party. black pus. brutal knights. bush tetras. b-52s. don caballero. captain beefheart. career suicide. james chance and the contortions. cheval de frise. the chinese stars. coachwhips. converge. michael columbia. the creeping nobodies. cursed. daughters. dd/mm/yyyy. the deadly snakes. deerhoof. devo. dick dale and his del-tones. dmonstrations. the doers. do make say think. elliot smith. ex models. faust. feuermusik. flossin'. the flying luttenbachers. fugazi. get hustle. godspeed you! black emperor. hella. holy fuck. icy demons. kk rampage. lake of dracula. le shok. lenin i shumov. les georges leningrad. liars. lightning bolt. the locust. made in mexico. man man. mare. mastodon. melt banana. mf doom. mindflayer. minor threat. michael columbia. mogwai. need new body. nice nice. north of america. noxagt. the oblivians. ocrilim. old time relijun. oneida. oxes. pre. quebexico. quintron. radiohead. rozasia. ruins. rumah sakit. shellac. shorty. the sick lipstick. sing that yell that spell. six finger satellite. they shoot horses, don't they?. this heat. thrones. tosca tango orchestra. upsilon acrux. usaisamonster. u.s. maple. varge. vaz. venetian snares. violent femmes. wolf eyes. white mice. xbxrx. zach hill and holy smokes. 31 knots. brave new waves on cbc radio 2 (94.1 12PM)


japanese, south korean and 60's italian films.


"Some made the long drop from the apartment or office window; some took it quietly in two-car garages with the motor running; some used the native tradition of the Colt or Smith & Wesson; those well-constructed implements that end insomnia, terminate remorse, cure cancer, avoid bankruptcy, and blast an exit from intolerable positions by the pressure of a finger; those admirable american instruments so easily carried, so sure of effect, so well designed to end the american dream when it becomes a nightmare, their only drawback is the mess they leave for relatives to clean up."
- Hemingway
'What really could save man's ideals is an affection for the idea of becoming dead. What actually destroys his ideals is that, faced with any risk of dying, he will always compromise.' 'Soldiers face the risk of death without compromising.' 'If soldiers compromise,' Max demolished this argument crisply, 'they are put against a wall and shot. Pour encourager les autres, as someone once remarked. To encourage them to what? you may ask. To fight not for a cause but for their lives, I answer.'
- The Inseperables


U.S. MAPLE - Stuck

My Blog

live band vids on google video

ex modelsex modelsex models - buy americanex models - that's funny i don't feel like a shitheadoneidaoneidaman man - black mission gogglesman man - zebrathe chinese starsthe chinese starsold time reli...
Posted by troubled man on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 07:42:00 PST