linna c. 22 years old. scorpio. no nonsense, no bullshit, type of girl. i hate being walked on, and i don't put up with it much nowadays. i love joking around with my friends and cracking jokes. my friends are the best, and i truly do adore them.. keke.. most of the times i like staying in and designing; watching dvds; basically just chillin. if i do go out, i'm breakin with my boy chris and the homies. i like having dinner with my friends weekly and hittin' the bars up with them. definately not a fan of mixed drinks, i like it straight with a chaser. i like people who keep it real. real as in they are themselves and don't give a crap when anyone thinks of them. life's too short for that. that's just a little about me ;)
♥ ♥ the lovely bpc. design. break. art. thrifty. boots. shoes in general. mugging chris. stussy. drinking. drinking. drinking. peanut butter chocolate chip cupcakes. hot almond milk tea. soup at hand. hoodies. layers. text. filters. brushes. sharpies. design books* singing in the car. driving no where. new things. old things. making time for myself. falling off lifts. color schemes. escada rockin' rio. warmth X's a million. puffy ching. fall. airchairs. roll backs. threading. sticking. spinning. spending $$$. burning bread. blowing c.r.e.a.m. differences. indulging. cs1 cs2 cs3. discovering. rediscovering. self respect. i will crush you.