John Cusacks secret love child profile picture

John Cusacks secret love child

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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Here is a little blurb about the one and only fabulous me...I still enjoy long walks on the beach, candlelight dinners,and still want to be shot dead in the head if I ever start talking like that(don't feel bad just do it)please!!!I am still a student of drama,but I am currently pursuing my dream of becoming a pastry chef.I love to be with my friend and family and I am CONVINCED it's not an officially a party until someone is huddled in a corner eating their own hair.That is when its a real party. So i like to have fun and make people laugh. I also want to be one of those chefs that knows the souffle is done just by a feeling that would be awsome.I am still in LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE(not in a creepy way)with John Cuscak(grrrrr). I know this is a lot but then again I rock so a lot deserves to be written and don't you hate it when people just write a sentence about boring...but I also realize that a lot can be I bid you adieu until another time...that is me in all my fabulousness.
Which Eddie Izzard Quote Are You?
Evil Giraffe
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What Rachel Means
R is for Radical
A is for Astounding
C is for Clever
H is for Hyper
E is for Excellent
L is for Luscious
What Does Your Name Mean? > Something I share in common with my friends.... You are Andie Walsh from Pretty in Pink
You are original and clever person. Although your family may not be able to buy you all the cool stuff you want, you are able to make cool stuff for yourself. Like a rocking 80’s prom dress.
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My score on The Star Wars Personality Test :

(You scored 37% airiness, 57% squishiness, and 57% edginess!) 1131521766.jpg

According to our patented JawamaticTM technology, you are most like See-Threepio (C-3P0) in personality.Threepio, being a protocol droid, favours traditional values. Programmed for etiquette and protocol, he is always concerned with doing what is proper and expected, caring for people's material needs above all else. He is methodical, value-driven and practical at his best.Threepio is, in a word, diligent.(The polar opposite of See-Threepio is &Artoo-Detoo.)The eight profiles are as follows:&Han Solo &Yoda &Chewbacca &Threepio &Artoo &Darth Vader &Luke Skywalker &Princess Leia

Link: The Star Wars Personality Test

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Besides the obvious ...john cusack ... i would like to meet "jesus ask him what he was like as like a teen and in his twenties... some one in china and ask them if i can really dig a hole all the way to china??? but mostly just interesting people because people are nice. and i wrote this late at night and it might not be as clever as i think it is. but to me it was funny a little blasphemus but you are wondering the same thing too.....admit it you are. i would also like to meet kiefer sutherland.. one word SEXY...also he rocks as an actor. yeah i took out the johnny cash reference because lets say it togther now it was ....lame.

My Blog

Red wedges

A quiet street, wet from the rain before a girl runs to catch the bus. A red blur goes buy her. People are screaming are you o.k but it sounds faint.A body is contorted, shoes black and white ten fee...
Posted by on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 19:59:00 GMT

Why I love MIranda Cosgrove

I know I am a 22 yr old female and I still watch those stupid nick and disney shows, I cannot help mindless entertainment for a good laugh. This topic just so happens to be about miranda cosgrove, she...
Posted by on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 09:34:00 GMT

How they met

Her name was Betty his name was Bill.They met at the burger joint. He said" I love your eyes, they remind me of my mothers." Betty was not thrilled by this. Betty being somewhat taken aback nobody wan...
Posted by on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 18:04:00 GMT

A simple question

This might be a long blog or an incredibly short one.Its a question to the guys and the ladies that might read this blog. Let me preface this question by saying I was once told by a guy actually seve...
Posted by on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 01:18:00 GMT

my letter to tyra banks

First off let me say I am blogging this just to get it off my chest. Secondly I just watched a T.V show that makes me think people can't be this naiev. It's 11pm on a wednesyday and around this time I...
Posted by on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 01:25:00 GMT

I am feeliing naughty

O.K i was listening to my ipod today on the bus and i was listening to the king and  the song on was a little less conversation and i was thinking second best song about sex ever,becasue its not ...
Posted by on Sun, 26 Aug 2007 00:59:00 GMT

The day john found out he had a daughter

It strange how someone finds out the stuff they do....I knew I never belonged in my family I always felt I was an outcast in my home. Well that was because my family was really my family I had a famou...
Posted by on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 13:13:00 GMT

Is it better to let it out or keep it in

The fear of a rejection is a huge thing for most I pose the question is it better to tell someone you like them and have them not like you back and get that rejection that one fears so m...
Posted by on Sun, 22 Jul 2007 23:52:00 GMT

When Justin Met Roxie

This a story of how Justin met Roxie....Roxie being the fabulous girl that she is got invited to big big hollywood premier for Live Free or Die hard.After the movie she was to go the after party where...
Posted by on Sat, 30 Jun 2007 19:39:00 GMT

How a comment can change the mood

On Friday night I was paid a compliment and it changed my mood. I was stressed from school which was chaotic to say the least and that week was just not good, but a random guy coming off the bus at th...
Posted by on Sun, 10 Jun 2007 01:01:00 GMT