This profile serves one purpose: to prove that webcam girls indeed love to poop. And it has done just that. After all, I get at least three messages a day that say, “Your pic is hot, now see me naked on my webcam!†And on top of that, one webcam girl likes me so much, she requested my friendship from twelve different accounts using the same picture! So there you have it, hot webcam girls not only poop, they do like to do it too.Below are some videos about me. At some point in time, MySpace seemed to have disabled the option to not autoplay things imported from outside. If you get annoyed by the BluBlockers song, scroll down and pause it. Same with the concert commercials under the music section.Besides that, I wish I could say something really interesting, like how I was born into a family of Jamaican shadowpriests that have been responsible for the balance of good and evil with far-reaching global effects or that I come from a long line of British warlords that will bulldoze your house for a crack rock or two and that Optimus Prime is my cousin's friend's pimp. And I CAN say all of those things...but they'd all be lies...terrible, terrible lies with a horribility factor of about twelve when the scale only goes up to nine, plus that won't fit into the ultimate destruction of your phatness, I'm talkin bout P-H-A-T, 2 phat. On the rizzeal yo, I finsta drop some bombs like I came out the bu, B-Rad style, word uppity on that. So in effect I will say:BEANS = THE NORTH AMERICAN CHEERIOAlso, I will still kick your giraffe...On Tuesday at exactly 4:03 pm GMT.More About Me:Who Is Toilet Factory?
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