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About Me

This profile serves one purpose: to prove that webcam girls indeed love to poop. And it has done just that. After all, I get at least three messages a day that say, “Your pic is hot, now see me naked on my webcam!” And on top of that, one webcam girl likes me so much, she requested my friendship from twelve different accounts using the same picture! So there you have it, hot webcam girls not only poop, they do like to do it too.Below are some videos about me. At some point in time, MySpace seemed to have disabled the option to not autoplay things imported from outside. If you get annoyed by the BluBlockers song, scroll down and pause it. Same with the concert commercials under the music section.Besides that, I wish I could say something really interesting, like how I was born into a family of Jamaican shadowpriests that have been responsible for the balance of good and evil with far-reaching global effects or that I come from a long line of British warlords that will bulldoze your house for a crack rock or two and that Optimus Prime is my cousin's friend's pimp. And I CAN say all of those things...but they'd all be lies...terrible, terrible lies with a horribility factor of about twelve when the scale only goes up to nine, plus that won't fit into the ultimate destruction of your phatness, I'm talkin bout P-H-A-T, 2 phat. On the rizzeal yo, I finsta drop some bombs like I came out the bu, B-Rad style, word uppity on that. So in effect I will say:BEANS = THE NORTH AMERICAN CHEERIOAlso, I will still kick your giraffe...On Tuesday at exactly 4:03 pm GMT.More About Me:Who Is Toilet Factory?
Add to My Profile | More VideosOther than that, do you have any money?

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

A hot girl. Really hot. So hot that I would have to say, "Damn girl, you're hot." And she has to be so non-idiotic I would have to say, "Wow, and you're not an idiot either." Yeah, I'm a charmer.She will be mine...Oh yes, she will be mine...

My Blog

Idiots in Ford Mustangs

Posted by on Sat, 09 May 2009 20:57:00 GMT

Goodbye Rocko...

Just because it was your time, doesn't mean it hurts any less.You were the one that brought the family together.RockoThe Trickiest Goofball & Smartest Dog EverJune 14, 1999 - April 24, 2009
Posted by on Sat, 25 Apr 2009 18:13:00 GMT

Licenses for Bribes Made Better Drivers

Really.  Anyone around here notice that in the years after licenses for bribes gets broken up, the drivers on the road got continually worse?  WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?Maybe that's why t...
Posted by on Wed, 08 Apr 2009 16:26:00 GMT

The inconvenience of losing almost 40 lbs.

Dammit, I need new clothes! Looks Like I'm wearing friggin garbage bags!!! I'm a lean shadow of my former fat self, with a silhouette of flappy clothing rustling in the wind, like I'm wearing a moo ...
Posted by on Mon, 23 Mar 2009 21:24:00 GMT

New Terminator Movie: Prequel or Sequel?

Okay, so the new Terminator will be set in the future...but the previous three movies led to that future so it's a sequel, right? Or is this the future that sets up the previous three movies, making ...
Posted by on Sun, 15 Mar 2009 18:04:00 GMT


Okay, I get it.  You're a spychick that's supposed to be hot with unrealistically "dreamy" womanly proportions (well, except for a big head) and you have poses with your butt in the air and all that s...
Posted by on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 17:19:00 GMT

It WIll Happen To You One Day...

Chards of poop will stab you in the face, while a monkey drenched in salad dressing will take aim at your pleasant situation and smash it with a paper brick.Shame to those that heed not this warning; ...
Posted by on Sat, 24 Jan 2009 10:21:00 GMT

Blagojevich, you suck!

It's about time they caught that fool.  I told you all not to vote for him, but look where we ended up.  Good job voting in this piece of crap grinch look-alike.  4th Illinois governor to go to jail i...
Posted by on Tue, 09 Dec 2008 19:30:00 GMT

Microsoft: Marketing Geniuses?

Vista...say it.  Out loud.  Leaves a bad taste in your mouth, doesn't it?  Apple slams it, computer programmers and tech people cringe at the sound of it, and meanwhile you need 5 gigs ...
Posted by on Thu, 04 Dec 2008 17:02:00 GMT

The Jonas Brothers on thanksgiving and Justin Timberlake at the Superbowl...

Really, does anyone that actually like watching football want to see these idiots perform at halftime? Who decided that when there is a big game, that this is the time to throw some teenie bopper cra...
Posted by on Thu, 27 Nov 2008 15:44:00 GMT