♥♥♥ This is James & I... ♥♥♥
♥♥♥ I love my sister, Brande, like crazy. She is my best friend and I have so much fun around her. She is a wonderful person...♥♥♥
♥♥♥I also love my brother, Dylan, so much. He is really a great kid - he cares so much about everyone and he lives life to the fullest...♥♥♥
I would love to meet this guy! He is absolutly hilarious!
I really love country music no matter if it is new or old. I also like a lot of rap and R&B as long as it isn't any of that freestyle crap. I just don't like that stuff.
I like scary movies and goofy movies and practically any movies. I really like to go to the movies with my brother or sister and James if I can convince him to go.
I don't really watch a lot of television - I am usually too busy. But, I do love the show CSI and Without a Trace. I like those forensics shows, and I also love Sex in the City.
I really like reading - I know that is TOTALLY geeky, but I can't help it. I enjoy reading mysteries, novels based on historical fact, romance, and basically anything else.
♥♥♥ My family has got to be the craziest and nuttiest family on the planet, but they are also the best family ever. I am so grateful to my parents for they are my heroes. They are the most amazing people I've ever known. ♥♥♥