ok so you think we live in a free country alright you entitled to ur opinion, but define freedom; "exemption from external controle interferance regulation ect.the power to determine ones own action, the power to make ones own choices without constraintfrom within or wihtoutfreedom to levy taxes, exemption or immuntiy freedom from taxation the right of freaquenting enjoying or using at will,". FREEDOM, INDEPENDANCE, LIBERTY refer to an absance of undue restrictionsand an opportunity to exercise ones right and powers.Independance implies not only lack of restrictionsbut also the ability to stand alone,, unsustained by anything else.If you look in any dictionary you will find this to be true and if u still think you are free youve got some thinking to do.what we need are some freedom fighters:"a fighter for freedom , esp. onewho batteles againstestablished forces of tyrany" our rights have been taken so far to the point where we cant even copy music withought fear of these new federal laws, the right to even talk on a cell phone is restricted. we are controled in every part of our lives what ever happened to the free country we once had. Its been taken over by the same types that we came here to get away from, those who believe money is power and and that givs them the right to take your life away.... why is it that weve let it get this far the government must be stoped our freedoms reinstated or our lives will be taken everyday we live.referance The random house dictionary of the english language.