I am divorced, have one son, living away from home and one grandson. My father turned 85 on April 22nd and due to illness he has decided to move to another state with a family friend. I shall be moving his lift chair and his jimmy electric chair as soon as he gets settled. He is a WWII Veteran who was on the Yorktown CV5 during the Battle of Midway and Guadel Canal. He was a machinist mate and a gunner. .. I feel that it is only right to care for him since he cared for me when I was little.I have an older brother out in Colorado who I miss dearly. His wife and kids are great. His wife is super talented in artwork and i am so proud of the vase she sent me. I am a no-nonsense kinda person, educated but not stuffy. I hope to maybe run into some friends from highschool on here,who knows. Many of them are dead so hopefully there are some still out there. Or perhaps some of my friends from College which I have lost touch with. I moved after I graduated and then was married until december 2005, so it would be great to hear from some of my old pals. My ex and I are back the same as we once were when we first got together, although we presently reside in different residences until I can either find somebody to lease my home or sell it so I can send money to dad since my little brother has him in deep debt by abusing an old power of attorney. We are supposed to RESPECT and CARE for our elders not take advantage of them and abuse them. I shall see that he is given nothing but the best of care and enjoys the last few years of his life to the fullest.That is why I have not been online much, because of dealing with all of the arrangements for his upcoming move.I am a one-man woman and not one to play games or behave in an outright unladylike manner. People in school and in work life say I am either their best friend or worst nightmare, there is no inbetween. I walk my talk and do not play any kind of stupid juvenile games. I am not a tipi creeper. Although I do love one computer game called Bejeweled. It helps with vision focus.I am totally into my native american roots, of which my mother was full blood cherokee from oklahoma and my father is half blood north carolina cherokee. I have my own company called Insipred By The Creator, where I sell powwow items, craft things, music and other items which interest native american men and women. I didn't vote for Bush.
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