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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Hey Guys My Name is Chris, i live in Orange County and I am going to college to study business marketing, and hopefully make a bunch of money. Well thats me in basic terms but i get alot more complex. I practically want to be either the next Tila Tequilla or be famous for no reason, so if you get a random add from me, its all apart of my crazy unrealistic plan, but I do go on my myspace, which means I will talk to you. Anyways now that I got that out of the way....I am a pretty funny guy, i must say, and I never like to take things too too seriously. I can be very judgemental, very particular and very random. I hate doing things on a schedule because theres never any room to do anything inbetween if the chance comes. I Actually now have a job, and am going to be a server at Ramano's Macaroni Grill, which means my life consists of three things going to school and working and then going to the gym, with the occasional going out, eating, and hanging with friends. So some likes and dislikes me would probably include I like the beach, going to the movies is actually something I love doing, I love driving around randomly, not having anywhere to go, going to soupplantation and eating all I can (and then feeling bad and going to the gym, oh yea... and actually going to the gym is something that for some odd reason I love doing too, I like making myself feel better about myself (whatever it takes), and finally completing goals that I never thought I could actually do. Some interesting things about me that you may not know is that I am a critically acclaimed Eagle Scout which took 11 years of my life to complete so trust me I can save your life if we ever go camping, I also was the Commisioner of Community Service at my High School and also voted Senior Class President. I was also voted most spirited at my HS even though I really wasn't, and though most people thought I liked them in high school, when I left I realized i didnt (no offense, if your my friend on here I liked you haha) I'm kinda an odd guy cause I do care about what I look like, but for some odd reason I get more stares when I look homeless. And oh yea I live in Orange County, but not directly on the beach about 10 miles away, but it's awsome if you just want to go and hang out and waste your time on the sand. I don't surf though I'd like to try, but someone has to teach me. I kind of wanted to get away from Orange County and into a new area, but I didnt cause I didnt apply to enough colleges, but I am content with my life now beacause I realized that I'm most likely going to be studying abroad in england for a year, which I'm really looking forward to. So now that you've wasted your time reading this I am really sorry that I just wasted your time, but I'm glad you now know me so gracias!

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My Interests

Mandy Moore Extravoganza

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Running, Music, Being with friends, pimping, going to the movies, talkin to people, eating sushi, making smoothies, Hilary Duff, Using White Out, Making People Laugh, Listenin to peoples ideas, Going Clubbin, Using Garnier Fructis, Going to Concerts, Listening to My Ipod, Taking Pictures, THE LIST GOES ON & ON & ON & ON & ON,
Nathalie Portman Rap
Uploaded by kinosam You Gotta See This, Funniest Thing I met miss hilton, she was very interesting, i guess she thought i was hot, and im going to take that as she wanted my body...... i know she did, cause you dont even want to know what we did that night.

I'd like to meet:



You know the sexy music these days right? Well, 50 cent, The Game, Jay-Z, snoop dogggyyy dogg, black-eyed peas, ludacris, Trina, Chris Brown, Petey Pablo, Rasheeda, can't forget Kevin Federline my dog, (what seems to be in common with all these), but there are some other bands i like the Postal Service, The Killers, Weezer, My Chemical Romance, All American Rejects, Dashboard Confessional, and my personal favorite Alanis Morissette ...........Jennifer you know the others right????? Shimmy Down ~~~~___~~~~__~~~_~~


NAPOLEAN DYNAMITE, GARDEN STATE, NELL, HOUSE OF WAX, ELECTRA, DAWN OF THE DEAD (SO FUNNY), SwimFan, THE RING, THE GRUDGE, XXX (the movie, not the... errr im sick), Matilda(haha), The Bourne Identity, Hustle & Flow, Double Jepordy, X-Men 123, The Skeleton Key, The Decent, Just My Luck (not really), Anchor Man, Notes On A Scandel, The Departed, Crash, Female Trouble, Georgia Rule, 28 days and weeks later, The Last King Of Scotland, Star Wars (not freakishly), Spiderman 123, Scream


My number one is 24, then Lost, Next, Prison Break, Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives (i'll admit it), Planet Earth (yes i care about the world!), Wild Boys, Jackass, Mad TV, SNL, Ellen Degeneres show, Tyra Banks (only because i was in the audience on the primordial dwarves episode), and House


Where the Red Fern Grows, only because thats the only book i actually read in 6th grade, and I think I actually cried


My Hero is you, for looking at my myspace, gracias!Favorite Quotes: "Hello Im Calling Reguarding The House, It Says No Smoking but I Really Love My Cigs" "Do You Have A Pool? No, Ok Guess No Skinny Dipping "Hello is this my voicemail" "Stop, its ok to be mixed" "Helloooo, id like the sausage egg and cheese sandwitch french fries and a water melon slushie" "Grab my chunte do a trick, swing that cane round and round" "There are two different types of $#$(## people, the $*$(#8's and the #$($*#(" "What Ya Doin? Makin Sausages"Ask Me For My Screen Name