In life, you don't get the people you want. Instead, you get the people you need... to teach you, to hurt you, to love you, to make you make you exactly the way you should be.
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There a lot of people I would like to meet...Toby Keith...Matthew McConaughey...Kenny Chesney...Jennifer Aniston...Terri Hatcher....Peyton Manning...Johnny Knoxville...Reese Witherspoon...Vince Vaughn...Sara Evans...Ashley Judd
"SuRe, GiRlS fRoM nEw YoRk, tHeY aRe ToUgH. AnD gIrLs FrOm GeOrGiA, tHeY aRe swEEt. BuT tHoSe bOrN aNd BrEd fEiStY KeNtUcKy GiRlS, tHeY aRe tHe oNeS yOu HaVe to LooK oUt fOr. We HaVe SuGaR aNd FiRe iN oUr bLooD. We cAn RiDe a hOrSe, be a DeBuTaNtE, tHrOw a LeFt HooK aNd TeLL yOu tHe eNtIrE UK LiNe up aLL wHiLe MaKiNg sWeeT tEa. AnD if we HaVe an oPiNiOn, yOu gEt to kNoW iT. We'Re bOtH tHe pRiDe aNd tHe DoWnFaLL of tHe bLuEgRaSS... " -Ashley Judd
I listen to pretty much Everything from country, to rock, to lite, to pop...but for the most part country...Rascal Flatts,Toby Keith, Kenny Chesney, Carrie Underwood, really all of it and I love Daughtry.....
Romance and Comedy..any Reese Witherspoon movies, girly movies are my fav [(Sweet Home GrEaT...Where The Heart is, 27 Dresses (Always the BrIdeSmAid never the bRiDe), i love funny movies too: Johnny Knoxville...Dukes of Hazzard , any Vince Vaughn movie...The brEaKup...
Desperate Housewives,DAncing with the Stars, Big Brother, the Girls Next Door, Entourage, UK Basketball and Football, K-Ville, any GooD FooTbaLL game..GO Colts, the Hills, CSI, Criminal Minds, The Bachelor, Reba... and now the NeW's great (thanks to my AuNt for recording it for me)!!
"Well that's what we do, we fight... you tell me when i am being an arrogant son of a bitch and i tell you when you're being a pain in the ass. Which you are 99% of the time. I am not afraid to hurt your feelings. You have like a 2 second rebound rate...then you're back doing the next pain-in-the-ass thing. So its not gonna be easy....its gonna be really hard and we're gonna have to work at this everyday but i wanna do that because i want you...I want all of you, forever, you and me, everyday"... The Notebook
Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy
My mam-maw taught me so much in life..she was the MOST honest person I have ever met..she gave me love and support endlessly...and believed in me no matter what...
My MoMMa the same...she has always been there for me through thick and thin...when I was left to raise my son momma stepped up and helped me get through, she always stands by my side..she's my best friend. My boys...they give me the strength I need to overachieve in life and they changed my life for the better...without them I would be lost in this big world...they give me the light at the end!! Momma loves you guys bunches!!
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