My Blog
"No Shit :or: The Dragon Piss Pancakes" a poem
No Shit :or: The Dragon Piss Pancakes Poprocks and cokeCoke as in cocaine,The liquid cocaine thatflows down my throatlike soothing honey that takes me to a higher placeof euphoriaAh euphoria, the plac...
Posted by on Mon, 29 Mar 2010 10:26:00 GMT
"Epigraph to Jelly Halo" a poem
Everybody wants a jelly halo. Jelly halo is the ultimate epigraph. Jelly halo is the oldest asymptote. Jelly halo is genuine satisfaction, the hole not filled by drugs and sex is filled by jelly ha...
Posted by on Fri, 17 Apr 2009 12:55:00 GMT
"The Popcorn-Flavored Pop Tart" a poem
Popcorn-flavored pop tartstransvestite cowboy from transsexualcowboy worldTwirled in candy flossCod piecesFlaming Ramstein cod piecesThe wandering warrior wearily waste whiskeywith a puppy balloon in ...
Posted by on Fri, 06 Mar 2009 11:36:00 GMT
"You Are Now Hungry :or: The Narrow Road of Bird Droppings" a Hokku
You Are Now Hungry :or: The Narrow Road of Bird Droppings A Hokku...... ..The birds flew from tree to tree straying at the tip top.....I speed walked to avoid those not so pleasant droppings....... .....
Posted by on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 11:10:00 GMT
I Need You Like Vodka :or: Variations on a Theme by LeAnn Rimes (a poem)
"I Need You Like Vodka :or: Variations on a Theme by LeAnn Rimes"
a poem by Enoch Penn Yobright
I need you like vodka, like Debbie Cakes, like date rape or duct tape;
I need you like Judge Nelson nee...
Posted by on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 07:41:00 GMT
"Children with Big Heads" a poem
"Children with Big Heads"
by Enoch Penn Yobright
The scientist's madness drove him to capture and starve children. His laugh was hysterical as he destroyed an entire generation. I tr...
Posted by on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 00:06:00 GMT
"Around the tiny cat, a yellow bear jumps" an exquisite corpse
Around the tiny cat, a yellow bear jumps, so the silky building tastes tenacious monkeys; however, begrudgingly crazy Augusta has been searching because quickly the sheep writes while neither masticat...
Posted by on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 00:18:00 GMT
"Above the house flying" an exquisite corpse
Above the house flying, Dale Earnhardt walked the ocean, but old shoes were riding when they were themselves and were dancing on Robbie's sunglasses to a song that talked but turned slowly black; you ...
Posted by on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 06:08:00 GMT
"Meat Annex" a poem
"Meat Annex"
Let's eat some canned meat because:Like killing the cows, birds, pigs, dogs, horses isn't enoughWe gotta go take the lives of those cute little spam cansand cut them up'til the jui...
Posted by on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 11:25:00 GMT
"Drunk Dial to America :or: Rejected Lines from Ginsbergs America" a poem
"Drunk Dial to America :or: Rejected Lines from Ginsberg's 'America'"
By: Enoch Penn Yobright
I LOVE America. I love America
and I didn't mean to scare America
when I showed up drunk on...
Posted by on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 10:48:00 GMT