Sivan profile picture


I am here for Networking

About Me

..Well where do I begin. First of all I'm a leo, meaning I've got a good head on my shoulders. Besides that I really love compliments. lol. But if you know me and really know me you would find alot of love in my heart. I treasure my husband Roi and my family. If you have a piece of my heart you really have the entire thing. Besides that you either love me or hate me. My honesty is true at heart. I am blunt and get straight to the point. If your looking for a sugar coater I am not the one to come to. Now to my family who make me who I am. My parents are my life and I wouldn't be me without them. My parents give me balance in their own strange way. They are my heros. I've got the most amazing family there is, through our toughest heart breaking times we grew stronger and taller. Our love for one another exceeds all of my imagination. To my sister Inbar, I love you with everything. You give me strength to move on. Your courage inspires me. Oriya you are my sunshine. You bring me joy and spirit through your smiles. Oren... what can I say our goofy relationship is a trip, love ya. To my other gifts in the world, my nephews, Matanel and Etai, just stay wholesome. To Eytan my other brother, I love you and support you. And to the newest edition to my life my husband, thank you for wanting to grow with me on this journey. I love you

My Interests

At this point in my life I am interested in keeping the people close to me even closer. I want to travel and skydive and make alot of money!!!


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I'm more of a picture person. But I've read "Harry Potter" and "Many Lives, Many Masters"