My Husband, My Family, My Friends, passion, watching trees dance to music..beat by rythem, seeing people smile, the little things in life, music that changes you, watching the moon find it's way home from behind the days sky, winning from with-in, all types of storms, dancing in the rain, feeling the ocean and earth on my feet, flying through another chapter like the tide crashing in, motorcycles, art/oil painting, being there, guns, tattoos, holding hands, bits of ribbon,
feathers, singing songs that you can't help but sing..
{some crap song in an elevator full of strangers}.
finding myself lost in a moment that time stands still...
smiling sideways, kissing, taking a hot bath, traveling to new places both near and far, picking flowers in los angles..
*people who know that we all bleed..*people who realize love has become a word..because actions speak louder than words. *people who show that being of real value and worth comes from wanting them in their tomarrow..*people who believe that no real possessions we gather make up our worth.. the truth is, 'who you are', how you live your life, is how your seen by the people who enclose and involve you in their lives. just be who you are. have no fear. it's only your life after all. you might as well make it of worth and worth while.*
all kinds....
anything that will make me think outside of the box......................................................... ............................................................ ........................................... .
My Muse-My Grandmother.. The one person who allowed me limitless imagination. Thank you for seeing who I am and making it a point to know me. Thank you for always believing in me. Thank you for teaching me to never give up even if it appears that I have failed. Thank you for the treasure hunts that showed me the way. It is a true pleasure and honor to be loved as a best friend as well as a daughter and grand-daughter. I promise to give back what you gave so effortlessly... your time as well as your unconditional love.