~I SERIOUSLY LOVE NAOMI WATTS...She My HERO & 1 Day I will Be come an ACTRESS JUST LIKE HER!! If I dont meet her By the time I'm 30 I will like kill myself (not literally) but ya...I would Do anything to meet her or do anything 4 her! I have 20 movies out of like 40 she was in...she may not be the main character in all the movies but I have to have EVERY MOVIE she is in or I throw a FIT...I Have a Naomi Watts Dresser and Thats where I keep all her Movies, Magazines, and Anything else of her I can get my Hands ON!! I talk about Naomi Watts so much at School My Teachers have called me Miss Watts...When it was her B-Day and people asked me for sumthing like gum or to borrow a pen I made them say HAPPY B-Day to Naomi Watts I must have made At least 35-40 people say Happy B-Day to Naomi Watts even when some people didnt know who she was...Anyway I Love her and She's on MY HERO List ..3 Cuz 1st GOD and 2 My MOM ofcourse~
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