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Work, make it run then take it out to sea. Rock n Roll is what I do on the oceans of the world. Good life just miss the family. Myspace is cool. Yea I'm old but it beats the alternative. Best thing I ever did: marry my wife, Best thing she did for me: give me 2 sons. Marriage didn't weather the stormy seas but no regrets. Best thing my sons could do for me: take care of each other. My plans for the future are: the list is huge but I'm working on it. I've been movin around the world since I was 18. Tried to stop before but "The Rovin Dies Hard" so i gave up trying to stop. Life don't come to the porch you need to keep chasing the dream, learn from the setbacks and leave the baggage behind. God gave me my very own brain so I thank him by doing my very own thinking. I believe that was the plan. If it wasn't said or written, the proof is evident enough for me to believe it. Take care all and remember, this is myspace, Love it